11 Facts About Heublein Inc


Heublein Inc was an American producer and distributor of alcoholic beverages and food throughout the 20th century.

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Heublein Inc began as a restaurant founded in 1862 in Hartford, Connecticut, by Andrew Heublein Inc, a German American entrepreneur.

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When it incorporated in the State of Connecticut on December 2,1915, Heublein already had offices in New York as well as Hartford.

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Sauce served as a fortunate savior, when the production, transportation and sale of all other Heublein Inc products became illegal in the US for the next thirteen years.

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In 1938 Heublein Inc acquired all rights to Smirnoff Vodka, a brand that had been produced in Russia prior to the October Revolution.

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Heublein Inc is credited with popularizing vodka in the United States by marketing Smirnoff as "White Whiskey" with the phrase "leaves you breathless", possibly the source of the mistaken belief that vodka on the breath conveys no aroma of alcohol.

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Heublein Inc held American import and distribution rights to such non-alcoholic beverages as Perrier mineral water and Rose's Lime Juice.

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In 1969, Heublein Inc began selling some of these cocktails in eight-ounce cans.

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Heublein Inc purchased Hamm's Brewery in 1965, sold it in 1973 to a group of Hamm's wholesalers, from whom Olympia Brewing Company bought it in 1975.

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In 1969, Heublein Inc purchased a majority stake in United Vintners, which owned Inglenook, for $100 million.

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In 1994, Heublein Inc sold some of its wine and brandy business to Canandaigua Wine Company.

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