14 Facts About Humanists International


Humanists International is an international non-governmental organisation championing secularism and human rights, motivated by secular humanist values.

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Humanists International is particularly active in challenging blasphemy and apostasy laws around the world and at the UN.

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In 2017, Humanists International held a special conference on threats to humanism and liberal democracy from rising authoritarian populism and extremism as part of its general assembly in London.

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At the following general assembly in Auckland, New Zealand, in 2018, Humanists International members agreed The Auckland Declaration on the Politics of Division, which condemned a recent global resurgence of demagogy, "exemplified in a new generation of so-called “strong men” politicians, who purport to stand up for popular interests, but who are eager to diminish human rights and disregard minorities in order to gain and retain power for their own ends".

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Humanists International is a democratic organisation, the Board of which is elected by representatives of the Member Organisations at annual General Assemblies.

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Staff of four is headed by the current Chief Executive, Gary McLelland, and Humanists International maintains delegations to the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, the United Nations in New York, and the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.

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Humanists International is an international NGO with Special Consultative Status with the United Nations, General Consultative Status at the Council of Europe, Observer Status with the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, and maintains operational relations with UNESCO.

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Humanists International has a wing for people aged up to 35 called the Young Humanists International.

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Humanists International is governed by an international board of directors, whose body is elected by member organisations at annual general assemblies, including a directly elected president.

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Aim of Humanists International is to "build, support and represent the global humanist movement, defending human rights, particularly those of non-religious people, and promoting humanist values world-wide".

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In 2012 Humanists International began publishing an annual report on "discrimination against humanists, atheists and the non-religious" called The Freedom of Thought Report.

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Humanists International complained that fundamentalists linked to the government were "terrorising" secular activists, including individuals in connection with its Member Organisations, as far back as 2006.

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Humanists International responded in 2013 to the murder of blogger and activist Ahmed Rajib Haider and the machete attack on his friend Asif Mohiuddin, and highlighted the subsequent arrest and imprisonment of Mohiuddin and others for "hurting religious sentiments".

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Humanists International was a colleague in humanism and a friend to all who respect human rights, freedom, and the light of reason.

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