11 Facts About Jolt Cola


Jolt Cola is a carbonated soft drink produced by The Jolt Company, Inc .

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Jolt Cola is a beverage originally made by The Jolt Company, Inc, of Rochester, New York.

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In 2006, Jolt Cola revamped its product line to Jolt Energy and changed its logo and packaging called "Jolt battery bottles" which make a loud popping sound when opened.

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The Jolt Cola website claimed that the "Quick Fix" sizes were available at establishments that serve "adult beverages, " for use as a mixer.

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Jolt Cola ceased updating their social media outlets in March 2019; shortly thereafter, Dollar General stopped selling the product.

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Since 2006, Jolt Cola and related flavors have been rebranded as Jolt Energy.

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Jolt Cola is manufactured under license in Australia, Sweden and formerly in the United Kingdom and the Philippines.

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However, Jolt Cola Netherlands is a subsidiary of Jolt Cola Germany.

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Jolt Cola was available in Japan in the late 1980s and early 1990s, through the local distributorship of UCC Ueshima Coffee Co.

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Jolt Cola Awards are annual awards given since 1991 by Dr Dobb's Journal.

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Jolt Cola is featured in the 1995 motion picture Hackers directed by Iain Softley.

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