11 Facts About Mogollon culture


Mogollon culture is an archaeological culture of Native American peoples from Southern New Mexico and Arizona, Northern Sonora and Chihuahua, and Western Texas.

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Mogollon culture is one of the major prehistoric Southwestern cultural divisions of the Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico.

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The culture flourished from the archaic period, c, to either 1450 or 1540 CE, when the Spanish arrived.

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Over time, Mogollon culture people built rectangular houses with rounded corners with them not as deep.

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One theory is that the Mogollon culture emerged from a Desert Archaic tradition linked to the first prehistoric human occupations of the area .

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An alternative theory is that the Mogollon culture descended from migrants from farming regions in central Mexico around 3500 BC, and displaced descendants of the Desert Archaic peoples.

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Research on Mogollon culture has led to the recognition of regional variants, of which the most widely recognized in popular media is the Mimbres culture .

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Mogollon culture is often divided into five periods proposed by Joe Ben Wheat in 1955:.

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Archaeological sites attributed to the Mogollon culture are found in the Gila Wilderness, Mimbres River Valley, along the Upper Gila river, Paquime and Hueco Tanks, an area of low mountains between the Franklin Mountains to the west and the Hueco Mountains to the east.

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Mimbres branch is a subset of the larger Mogollon culture area, centered in the Mimbres Valley and encompassing the upper Gila River and parts of the upper San Francisco River in southwestern New Mexico and southeastern Arizona as well as the Rio Grande Valley and its western tributaries in southwest New Mexico.

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Differentiation between the Mimbres branch and other areas of the Mogollon culture area is most apparent during the Three Circle and Classic Mimbres phases, when architectural construction and black and white painted pottery assume locally distinctive forms and styles.

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