10 Facts About Monero


Monero uses ring signatures, zero-knowledge proofs, "stealth addresses", and IP address–obscuring methods to obfuscate transaction details.

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Monero has the third-largest developer community among cryptocurrencies, behind Bitcoin and Ethereum.

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Monero has the third-largest community of developers, behind bitcoin and Ethereum.

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Transaction outputs, or notes, of users sending Monero are obfuscated through ring signatures, which groups a sender's outputs with other decoy outputs.

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Monero recipients are protected through "stealth addresses", addresses generated by users to receive funds, but untraceable to an owner by a network observer.

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In October of 2021 the Monero project introduced P2Pool, a mining pool running on a sidechain which gives participants full control of their node as with solo mining configurations.

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Monero is a common medium of exchange on darknet markets.

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Researchers in 2018 found similar malware that mined Monero and sent it to Kim Il-sung University in North Korea.

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In 2021, CNBC, the Financial Times, and Newsweek reported that demand for Monero was increasing following the recovery of a bitcoin ransom paid in the Colonial Pipeline cyber attack.

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Bloomberg and CNN reported that this demand for Monero was because authorities were becoming better at monitoring the bitcoin blockchain.

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