16 Facts About Ronald Hamowy


Ronald Hamowy was a Canadian academic, known primarily for his contributions to political and social academic fields.

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Ronald Hamowy is associated with a number of prominent American libertarian organizations.

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Ronald Hamowy's family was Jewish; his father was from Syria and his mother was from Egypt.

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Ronald Hamowy did his undergraduate studies in economics and history at Cornell University and at City College of New York.

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Ronald Hamowy did postgraduate work at Balliol College, Oxford, where he studied under Sir Isaiah Berlin and did further postgraduate work at the University of Paris.

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Ronald Hamowy returned to the United States in 1968 to become an instructor in and later assistant director of the History of Western Civilization Program at Stanford University.

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Ronald Hamowy taught there until 1975, when he took a position in the Department of Political Science at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia; after two years at Simon Fraser, he returned to the University of Alberta where he remained until his retirement from active teaching in 1998.

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Ronald Hamowy is best understood as the product of a unique scholarly era in America that was heavily influenced by thinkers immersed in the continental style, many of whom arrived, directly or indirectly, from Europe to the United States from the 1930s to the 1950s.

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That influence predated Ronald Hamowy's arrival in Chicago and began in New York City while he was an undergraduate.

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Ronald Hamowy admired his City College intellectual history professor Kohn, who had arrived to America in the 1930s and later taught at City College for many years, beginning in the late 1940s.

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Mises greatly influenced a generation of American thinkers in addition to Ronald Hamowy including Ralph Raico, Leonard Liggio, George Reisman, Israel Kirzner, and Rothbard.

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Ronald Hamowy first met Hayek when Ronald Hamowy arrived to Chicago in the fall of 1960 to do doctoral work under Hayek's supervision.

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Ronald Hamowy is considered an expert on the theory of spontaneous order.

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Ronald Hamowy's first brush with libertarianism was through George Reisman who was an early classmate.

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Ronald Hamowy continued to make contributions to libertarian think tanks and journals throughout his career, including The Independent Institute, Institute for Humane Studies, The Cato Institute, Rampart College, the Journal of Libertarian Studies, and the Cato Journal.

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Ronald Hamowy was published by the Fraser Institute and contributed to various student clubs and student seminars dedicated to the advancement of individual liberty and political freedom.

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