40 Facts About Tenth Doctor


Tenth Doctor is an incarnation of the Doctor, the main protagonist of the BBC science fiction television franchise Doctor Who.

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Tenth Doctor is played by David Tennant in three series as well as nine specials.

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Tennant's time as the Tenth Doctor is highly regarded among fans of the show and is generally regarded as one of the most iconic incarnations of the character, often ranked alongside Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor.

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Tennant's portrayal of the Tenth Doctor is of an outwardly charismatic and charming adventurer whose likable and easygoing attitude can quickly turn to righteous fury when provoked.

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Tenth Doctor guest-starred in the 2009 two-part The Sarah Jane Adventures story The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith.

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Tenth Doctor speaks with an Estuary English accent, rather than the Lancashire dialect that the Ninth Doctor used, the Received Pronunciation of most earlier Doctors, or Tennant's natural Scottish English.

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Tenth Doctor has dark brown eyes and is perceived by most, including companions and other characters such as his future incarnation as "slim and a little bit foxy".

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Tenth Doctor generally wears either a dark brown or a blue four-buttoned suit with a shirt and a tie, or a shirt and t-shirt, a light brown faux-suede duster coat, and different coloured pairs of Converse All-Star trainers, depending on his suit.

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Tenth Doctor dons a pair of dark tortoise-shell rectangular frame glasses, an affectation borrowed from the Fifth Tenth Doctor.

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The Tenth Doctor's costume became so popular that it has spawned numerous recreations, and has been cited by costume designer Louise Page as the costume she is most proud of from her time on Doctor Who.

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Ninth Doctor regenerated into the Tenth Doctor at the climax of the first series finale, "The Parting of the Ways"; he re-introduces himself to his companion Rose Tyler in a Children in Need mini-episode called "Born Again".

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Amongst other second series adventures, The Tenth Doctor and Rose save Queen Victoria from a werewolf in "Tooth and Claw", resulting in the creation of the anti-alien Torchwood Institute.

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Tenth Doctor and Rose become stranded on a planet orbiting around a black hole in "The Impossible Planet" where The Beast is waiting, with a Torchwood team.

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The series finale takes place in contemporary London, where modern-day Torchwood is the scene for war between the evil alien Daleks and parallel-universe cyborgs the Cybermen; saving the Earth costs The Tenth Doctor Rose, who is stranded in a parallel universe, along with Mickey and her mother, in "Doomsday".

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Martha's plan sees The Tenth Doctor infused with the world's psychic energies, and he easily defeats The Master, who seemingly refuses to regenerate and dies in The Tenth Doctor's arms.

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Tenth Doctor meets archaeologist and future companion River Song for the first time from his perspective in the two-parter, "Silence in the Library" and "Forest of the Dead"; she dies, but he stores her consciousness to a hard drive to live on forever, after accepting that one day she will come to mean a lot to him.

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The Tenth Doctor was fatally wounded during the event, aborting in mid-regeneration to maintain his current self while transferring the residual energies in his previously severed hand.

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In "The Waters of Mars", The Tenth Doctor tries to alter history and avert the death of one-off companion Adelaide Brooke ; when she commits suicide, he begins to feel his mortality weigh down upon him.

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Tenth Doctor holds it back and is shown visiting several companions.

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Tenth Doctor gives Donna a winning lottery ticket on her wedding day, buying it with money he borrowed from her late father in the past, saves Martha and Mickey from a Sontaran sniper, saves Sarah Jane's son Luke from a car, introduces Jack to a romantic interest, and finally, just before regenerating into the Eleventh Doctor, he informs Rose in 2005 that she is about to have a "great year".

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Tenth Doctor helps the other Doctors in saving Gallifrey at the Time War's conclusion, but will not retain memories of the event.

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The Tenth Doctor is featured in political satire; in a 2007 episode of Dead Ringers, when faced by the question of Gordon Brown's succession, Tony Blair regenerates into David Tennant after promising "New Labour is all about renewal", later vowing 100 more years of power.

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Tenth Doctor later played the role in full costume for a sketch with The Muppets in a live performance at The O2 Arena in 2018.

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Additionally, the Tenth Doctor appears in a novelisation of his The Sarah Jane Adventures crossover appearance.

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The Tenth Doctor appears extensively in comic books, replacing the Ninth Doctor in those published in Doctor Who Magazine, and the younger-audience Doctor Who Adventures and Doctor Who: Battles in Time.

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In stories set after "Journey's End", The Tenth Doctor is accompanied by numerous one-off and recurring companions who do not feature in the television series.

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Outside of Doctor Who literature, penciller Georges Jeanty includes a cameo of the Tenth Doctor and Rose in a panel of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight story arc "No Future for You".

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The Tenth Doctor was utilised in the American satirical political cartoon strip, This Modern World.

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Tenth Doctor made brief cameos at the end of the Jenny - The Doctor's Daughter series and the final story of Big Finish's multi-Doctor anniversary special The Legacy of Time.

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Tenth Doctor was set to be the first Doctor to appear in the spin-off series Torchwood, reuniting Tennant with John Barrowman as Captain Jack Harkness and Gareth David-Lloyd as Ianto Jones, for Absent Friends.

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Tenth Doctor has made other Big Finish appearances that did not involve Tennant, using other actors to voice the Doctor.

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Likewise, the Tenth Doctor appears in three episodes of Tales from New Earth voiced by Kieran Hodgson.

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Tenth Doctor appears alongside his fellow incarnations as a playable character in the 2015 toys-to-life crossover game LEGO Dimensions.

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Tenth Doctor is shown wearing his duster coat and brown pinstripe suit.

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Tenth Doctor's TARDIS interior is a location that players can explore.

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He, as well as the Thirteenth Tenth Doctor, appears as a playable character that users could purchase for free from the Avatar Shop within Roblox for a limited time, which featured the Pting as a shoulder accessory, and the TARDIS in the form of a backpack.

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Tenth Doctor has been extremely popular amongst the Doctor Who fandom.

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Tenth Doctor received critical acclaim for his complexity and humanity and is considered one of the greatest incarnations of the character.

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Tenth Doctor won the National Television Awards award for Most Popular Actor in 2006 and 2007, and the award for Outstanding Drama Performance in 2008 and 2010.

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Jenna Coleman, who played Clara Oswald and appeared with Tennant in "The Day of the Tenth Doctor", said that he was her favourite Tenth Doctor, along with Tom Baker.

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