10 Facts About Torture chamber


The medieval torture chamber was windowless and often built underground, was lit by a few candles and was specifically designed to induce "horror, dread and despair" to anyone but those possessing a strong mind and "nerves of steel".

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The torture chamber was so terrifying, that King Ashoka himself was thought to have visited hell so that he could perfect its evil design.

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Torture chamber ordered Girika burnt alive and ordered the demolition of the torture palace.

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Process of being tied and led to the torture rack inside the torture chamber was a form of intimidation and was called territio realis as opposed to territio verbalis oder lexis which was the verbal threat of torture being made at the judgment hall.

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Torture chamber was specifically designed to evoke fear in the victims.

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Inside the Torture chamber waited the executioner, his face completely covered apart from two holes in the garment to enable him to peer through and wearing a black hood; his menacing appearance being described as "most diabolical" and "satanic".

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The walls of the torture chamber recessed and protruded in a complementary fashion to the walls on the opposite side so as to reflect the screams of the victims locally, ensuring that their shrieks would not be carried to the exterior.

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The ceiling of the torture chamber was especially designed to muffle the cries of the victims.

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In Nuremberg the room underneath the main torture chamber featured torture machinery while in Salzburg, the room under the trapdoor, functioned like a waiting room for prisoners.

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Torture chamber was the final destination in a progression of four cell types during incarceration at the Palace of the Inquisition.

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