From 1615 to 1619, the Wampanoag people suffered an epidemic, long suspected to be smallpox.
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From 1615 to 1619, the Wampanoag people suffered an epidemic, long suspected to be smallpox.
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Many male Wampanoag people were sold into slavery in Bermuda or the West Indies, or on plantations and farms run by colonists in New England.
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Wampanoag people is probably derived from Wapanoos, first documented on Adriaen Block's 1614 map, which was the earliest European representation of the Wampanoag people territory.
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The Seat of Metacom, or King Philip's seat, at Mount Hope, in Bristol, Rhode Island was the most sacred site of the Wampanoag people and became the political center from which Metacomet began King Philip's War, the first pan-tribal war of Native American resistance to English settlement in North America.
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Wampanoag people were semi-sedentary, with seasonal movements between sites in southern New England.
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Each community had authority over a well-defined territory from which the Wampanoag people derived their livelihood through a seasonal round of fishing, planting, harvesting, and hunting.
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Production of food among the Wampanoag people was similar to that of many American Indian societies, and food habits were divided along gender lines.
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Wampanoag people men were mainly responsible for hunting and fishing, while women took care of farming and gathering wild fruits, nuts, berries, and shellfish.
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Wampanoag people were organized into a confederation in which a head sachem presided over a number of other sachems.
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Wampanoag people originally spoke Wopanaak, a dialect of the Massachusett language, which belongs to the Algonquian languages family.
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Wampanoag people created an orthography which he taught to the Wampanoag.
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Jessie Little Doe Baird, a member of the Mashpee Wampanoag people Tribe, founded the Wopanaak Language Reclamation Project in 1993.
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Wampanoag people has produced a grammar, collections of stories, and other books.
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Wampanoag people accompanied an expedition to Newfoundland as an interpreter, then made his way back to his homeland in 1619—only to discover that the entire Patuxet tribe had died in an epidemic.
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In 1620, the Pilgrims arrived in Plymouth, and Tisquantum and other Wampanoag people taught them how to cultivate the varieties of corn, squash, and beans that flourished in New England, as well as how to catch and process fish and collect seafood.
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Wampanoag people suffered from an epidemic between 1616 and 1619, long thought to be smallpox introduced by contact with Europeans.
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Wampanoag people women were more likely to convert to Christianity than the men.
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Wampanoag people asked the legislators in Plymouth near the end of his life to give both of his sons English names.
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The Wampanoag people were told that he died of fever, but many Indians thought that he had been poisoned.
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The Wampanoag people numbered only 1,000, and Philip began to visit other tribes to build alliances among those who wanted to push out the colonists.
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Philip called a council of war on Mount Hope; most Wampanoag people wanted to follow him, with the exception of the Nauset on Cape Cod and the small groups on the offshore islands.
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Slightly more than 2,000 Wampanoag people are counted as enrolled members of the nation today, and many live near the reservation on Martha's Vineyard, in Dukes County.
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Wampanoag people held the position until Marshall pleaded guilty in 2009 to federal charges of embezzling, wire fraud, mail fraud, tax evasion and election finance law violations.
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Wampanoag people steered tens of thousands of dollars in illegal campaign contributions to politicians through the tribe's hired lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who was convicted of numerous charges in a much larger scheme.
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The Wampanoag people are given a "headstart" to develop plans for a casino in southeastern part of the state.
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In 1972, Aquinnah Wampanoag people descendants formed the Wampanoag people Tribal Council of Gay Head, Inc, to achieve self-determination and federal recognition.
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Under Widdis, the Aquinnah Wampanoag people acquired the Herring Creek, the Gay Head Cliffs, and the cranberry bogs surrounding Gay Head during her presidency.
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Aquinnah Wampanoag people are led by tribal council chair Cheryl Andrews-Maltais, who was elected to the post in November 2007.
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Herring Pond Wampanoag people Tribe, headed by tribal council chair Melissa Ferretti, is state recognized.
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Royal Wampanoag people Cemetery located at 487 Bedford Street in Lakeville is a historical cemetery managed by the band.
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Pocasset Wampanoag people band has held lands in Fall River, Massachusetts, since colonial times.
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