13 Facts About Alex Alben


Alex Alben was born on New York City, 1958, and American technology executive, author and law professor, served as the first Chief Privacy Officer of Washington State from April 2015 to May 2019.

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Alex Alben ran as a Democrat in the Eighth Congressional District of Washington.

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Alex Alben is the author of "Analog Days—How Technology Rewrote Our Future, " and consults to public sector organizations, high tech and energy companies on privacy and security related matters.

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Alex Alben is the founder of Get Smart Software, LLC, and a lecturer at the UCLA School of Law, teaching courses on Privacy, Cybersecurity and Internet Law.

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Alex Alben covered the 1980 Presidential campaign and the first Ronald Reagan inauguration.

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In 1981, Alben worked on the controversial CBS Reports Documentary, "The Uncounted Enemy, A Vietnam Deception, " which sparked a $100 Million libel suit between General William C Westmoreland and CBS News.

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Alex Alben worked for Senator Claiborne Pell, Democrat of Rhode Island, on the Foreign Relations Committee and Senator John Culver, Democrat of Iowa, on the Armed Services Committee during the Senate's consideration of the SALT II treaty.

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Alex Alben moved on to legal and business affairs for Orion Pictures and Warner Bros.

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At Starwave, Alex Alben worked on pioneering CD-ROM products and helped launch popular web sites such as ABCNews.

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On behalf of the technology industry, Alben testified before the U S Copyright Office, Senate Judiciary Committee and House Commerce Committee on the digital distribution of music and the importance of creating authorized channels for the distribution of Internet Radio and music downloads.

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In testimony before the Senate in 2002 as Vice President of public policy for RealNetworks, Alex Alben predicted that web video was evolving so rapidly that one day all television programs would be found on the Internet.

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Alex Alben is the author of a comedy-spy novel, Our Man in Mongoa, published by Charles Scribner's Sons.

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Alex Alben won the endorsement of the Seattle Times, the Seattle Post Intelligencer and the King County Journal.

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