17 Facts About Ancient Greece


Roman Ancient Greece is usually counted from the Roman victory over the Corinthians at the Battle of Corinth in 146 BC to the establishment of Byzantium by Constantine as the capital of the Roman Empire in AD 330.

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Ancient Greece was divided into many small self-governing communities, a pattern largely dictated by its geography: every island, valley and plain is cut off from its neighbors by the sea or mountain ranges.

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The city-states of northern and central Ancient Greece submitted to the Persian forces without resistance, but a coalition of 31 Greek city states, including Athens and Sparta, determined to resist the Persian invaders.

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The first phase of the war saw a series of fruitless annual invasions of Attica by Sparta, while Athens successfully fought the Corinthian empire in northwest Ancient Greece and defended its own empire, despite a plague which killed the leading Athenian statesman Pericles.

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Ancient Greece conquered Persia, defeating Darius III at the Battle of Issus in 333, and after the Battle of Gaugamela in 331 proclaimed himself king of Asia.

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City-states within Ancient Greece formed themselves into two leagues; the Achaean League and the Aetolian League .

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The Aetolian league grew wary of Roman involvement in Ancient Greece, and sided with the Seleucids in the Roman–Seleucid War; when the Romans were victorious, the league was effectively absorbed into the Republic.

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Macedonia became a Roman province while southern Ancient Greece came under the surveillance of Macedonia's prefect; however, some Greek poleis managed to maintain a partial independence and avoid taxation.

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Ancient Greece was a key eastern province of the Roman Empire, as the Roman culture had long been in fact Greco-Roman.

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Territory of Greece is mountainous, and as a result, ancient Greece consisted of many smaller regions, each with its own dialect, cultural peculiarities, and identity.

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Ancient Greece consisted of several hundred relatively independent city-states .

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At its economic height in the 5th and 4th centuries BC, the free citizenry of Classical Greece represented perhaps the most prosperous society in the ancient world, some economic historians considering Greece one of the most advanced pre-industrial economies.

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Scale and scope of warfare in ancient Greece changed dramatically as a result of the Greco-Persian Wars.

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The later Hellenistic philosophy, originating in Ancient Greece, is defined by names such as Antisthenes, Zeno of Citium and Plotinus .

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Ancient Greece is referred to as the "father of medicine" in recognition of his lasting contributions to the field as the founder of the Hippocratic school of medicine.

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Art of ancient Greece has exercised an enormous influence on the culture of many countries from ancient times to the present day, particularly in the areas of sculpture and architecture.

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Civilization of ancient Greece has been immensely influential on language, politics, educational systems, philosophy, science, and the arts.

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