10 Facts About Arabic culture


Arab Arabic culture is the Arabic culture of the Arabs, from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Arabian Sea in the east, and from the Mediterranean Sea in the north to the Horn of Africa and the Indian Ocean in the southeast.

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Arabic culture literature is the writing produced, both prose and poetry, by speakers of the Arabic culture language.

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The Arabic word used for literature is adab which is derived from a word meaning "to invite someone for a meal" and implies politeness, culture and enrichment.

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Arabic culture literature emerged in the 6th century, with only fragments of the written language appearing before then.

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The compiler and ninth-century translator into Arabic culture is reputedly the storyteller Abu Abd-Allah Muhammad el-Gahshigar.

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Arabic culture music is the music of Arab people, especially those centered around the Arabian Peninsula.

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Main difference between the western chromatic scale and the Arabic culture scales is the existence of many in-between notes, which are sometimes referred to as quarter tones for the sake of practicality.

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In 1932, at International Convention on Arabic culture music held in Cairo, Egypt, experiments were done which determined conclusively that the notes in actual use differ substantially from an even-tempered 24-tone scale, and furthermore that the intonation of many of those notes differ slightly from region to region .

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Arabic culture estimates that television reaches well over 100 million people in the region, and this number has likely grown since 2004.

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Arab Arabic culture teaches that the needs of the group are more important than the needs of one person.

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