17 Facts About Byron York


Byron York was born on December 5,1955 and is an American conservative correspondent, pundit, columnist, and author.


Byron York was previously a White House correspondent for National Review.


Byron York has written for The Atlantic, The Hill, The Wall Street Journal, The Weekly Standard, and the New York Post.


Byron York has appeared on such programs as Meet the Press, The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, The O'Reilly Factor, Meet the Press, Special Report, The Laura Ingraham Show, and Hardball with Chris Matthews, and has contributed occasional commentaries to National Public Radio.


Byron York has taken part in discussions with other media personalities at BloggingHeads.


In 2001, Byron York criticized President Bill Clinton's pardon of Susan McDougal, who had served three months in prison for Contempt of court related to her involvement in the Whitewater scandal.


In 2005, York posited a plot by the Democratic Party to "take down" President George W Bush in his book The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy.


In 2007, Byron York called on President Bush to give a full pardon to Scooter Libby, who was sentenced to prison for obstruction of justice, perjury and making false statements in the Plame affair.


In 2010, Byron York wrote an op-ed titled "Obama has himself to blame for Muslim problem", which argued that President Obama was to blame for the widespread misconception that he was Muslim.


Byron York wrote that Obama had written about his Muslim grandfather and noted that members of his extended family were Muslim.


Byron York supported Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham's recommendation of criminal charges against Christopher Steele, one of the people who sought to expose Russian interference in the 2016 election.


In July 2018, when Mariia Butina, an accused Russian spy who had sought to involve herself in the NRA and the Republican Party, was arrested, Byron York downplayed the charges.


In February 2019, Byron York argued that the attempt by the new Democratic majority in the House of Representatives to compel the release of President Trump's tax returns amounted to the "ultimate fishing expedition".


Shortly before the 2020 presidential election, Byron York wrote a piece in the Washington Examiner analyzing a findings simulation that claimed Joe Biden wouldn't concede the election if he lost, and claiming that Biden would pressure Democratic governors to reject Trump's victory in their states and that House Democrats would refuse to acknowledge Trump's victory.


Byron York asserted that Trump would concede if he lost.


Byron York's nephew is Washington Examiner's Life and Arts editor, Park MacDougald.


Byron York is married, and plays the guitar and the mandolin.