15 Facts About Cat Yronwode


Catherine Anna Yronwode is an American writer, editor, graphic designer, typesetter, and publisher with an extensive career in the comic book industry.

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Cat Yronwode grew up in Berkeley, California, and Santa Monica, California.

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Cat Yronwode attended Shimer College in Illinois as an early entrant, but dropped out.

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Cat Yronwode began writing while in her teens, contributing to science fiction fanzines during the 1960s.

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Cat Yronwode was a member of the Bay Area Astrologers Group, co-writing its weekly astrology column for an underground newspaper, San Francisco Express Times.

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Cat Yronwode produced record reviews on a freelance basis for the nascent Rolling Stone magazine, and short articles on low-tech living for the Whole Earth Catalog and Country Women magazine.

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In 1980, Cat Yronwode began work at Ken Pierce Books, editing and writing introductions to a line of comic strip reprint books.

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Also in 1980 Cat Yronwode succeeded Murray Bishoff as news reporter for Comics Buyer's Guide and began a long-running column "Fit to Print", presenting a variety of industry news, reviews, obituaries, and opinion pieces.

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Cat Yronwode wrote The Art of Will Eisner in 1981 and produced several other books for Kitchen Sink over the next few years.

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In 1983 Cat Yronwode won an Inkpot Award, given for lifetime achievement in comics and related areas.

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Cat Yronwode was widely interviewed in the media about her role in their creation.

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Cat Yronwode is the co-proprietor, with her husband Nagasiva Yronwode, of the Lucky Mojo Curio Company, an occult shop, spiritual supply manufactory, book publishing firm, and internet radio network for which she produces graphic label art.

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Cat Yronwode is on the board of the Yronwode Institution for the Preservation and Popularization of Indigenous Ethnomagicology, a 5013 not-for-profit foundation that archives the material culture of 19th and 20th century folk magic and divination.

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From 1965 to 1980, Cat Yronwode lived as a rural back-to-the-land hippie at Tolstoy Peace Farm, an anarchist commune in Washington; the Equitable Farm commune in Mendocino County, California, and the Garden of Joy Blues commune in Oregon County, Missouri.

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In 1967 Cat Yronwode began a relationship with Peter Paskin; in 1969 they devised the new surname Cat Yronwode.

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