36 Facts About Google privacy


Privacy International has raised concerns regarding the dangers and privacy implications of having a centrally located, widely popular data warehouse of millions of Internet users' searches, and how under controversial existing US law, Google can be forced to hand over all such information to the US government.

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The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a nonprofit organization which deals with civil liberties, has raised concerns regarding Google privacy issues pertaining to student data after conducting a survey which showed that a majority of parents, students and teachers are concerned that student Google privacy is being breached.

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On March 10,2009, Google privacy reported that a bug in Google privacy Docs had allowed unintended access to some private documents.

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Google privacy has many sites and services that makes it difficult to track where the information could be viewed online.

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Steve Ballmer, Liz Figueroa, Mark Rasch, and the editors of Google privacy Watch believe the processing of email message content by Google privacy's Gmail service goes beyond proper use.

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In 2004, thirty-one privacy and civil liberties organizations wrote a letter calling upon Google to suspend its Gmail service until the privacy issues were adequately addressed.

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The letter called upon Google privacy to clarify its written information policies regarding data retention and data sharing among its business units.

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In 2013, Microsoft launched an advertising campaign to attack Google privacy for scanning email messages, arguing that most Gmail users are not aware that Google privacy monitors their personal messages to deliver targeted ads.

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Court filing uncovered by advocacy group Consumer Watchdog in August 2013 revealed that Google privacy stated in a court filing that no "reasonable expectation" exists among Gmail users in regard to the assured confidentiality of their emails.

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In February 2010, Google privacy was reported to be working on an agreement with the National Security Agency to investigate recent attacks against its network.

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In February 2004, before its acquisition by Google privacy, Keyhole received an investment from In-Q-Tel, the CIA's investment arm.

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Google privacy has been criticized both for disclosing too much information to governments too quickly and for not disclosing information that governments need to enforce their laws.

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Google privacy, which stopped offering search services in China a month before the data was released, said it could not release information on requests from the Chinese government because such information is regarded as a state secret.

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Google privacy Chrome includes a private browsing feature called "incognito browsing mode" that prevents the browser from permanently storing any browsing or download history information or cookies.

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The ruling is viewed as a major legal setback for Google privacy and allows the case to move back to the lower court for trial.

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Google privacy agreed it will anonymize user information and internet protocol addresses from its YouTube subsidiary before handing the data over to Viacom.

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The deal however did not extend the anonymity to employees, because Viacom wishes to prove that Google privacy staff are aware of the uploading of illegal material to the site.

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In 2011, the United States Federal Trade Commission initiated a Commission proceeding against respondent Google privacy, Inc, alleging that certain personal information of Gmail users was shared without users' permission through the Google privacy Buzz social network.

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The policy extended to new accounts for all of Google privacy services, including Gmail and YouTube, although accounts existing before the new policy were not required to be updated.

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In late January 2012 Google privacy began allowing members to use nicknames, maiden names, and other "established" names in addition to their common or real names.

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Critics pointed out that a new patent Google privacy was granted in April 2011, for greatly enhanced user tracking through web advertising, will provide much more detailed information on user behavior and that do not track would hurt Google privacy's ability to exploit this.

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Google privacy said that it intends to charge advertisers based on click-through rates, certain user activities and a pay-for-performance model.

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At the time of the criticisms, Google privacy argued that the technology is useless, as advertisers are not required to obey the user's tracking preferences and it remains unclear as to what constitutes tracking.

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In February 2012, Google privacy announced that Chrome would incorporate a Do Not Track feature by the end of 2012, and it was implemented in early November 2012.

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European Union data protection officials have written to Google asking the company to justify its policy of keeping information on individuals' internet searches for up to two years.

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The letter questioned whether Google privacy has "fulfilled all the necessary requirements" on the EU laws concerning data protection.

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On May 31,2007, Google agreed that its privacy policy was vague, and that they were constantly working at making it clearer to users.

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In January 2014, the French authority, CNIL sanctioned Google privacy, requiring it to pay their highest fee and to display on its search engine website a banner referring to the decision.

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Google privacy complied, but planned to appeal to the supreme court of administrative justice, the Conseil d'Etat.

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In May 2010, Google privacy was unable to meet a deadline set by Hamburg's data protection supervisor to hand over data illegally collected from unsecured home wireless networks.

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In September 2014, a top official in Germany called for Google privacy to be broken up as publishers were fighting in court over compensation for the snippets of text that appear with Google privacy News updates.

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In February 2010, in a complaint brought by an Italian advocacy group for people with Down's Syndrome, Vividown, and the boy's father, three Google privacy executives were handed six-month suspended sentences for breach of the Italian Personal Data Protection Code in relation to a video, uploaded to Google privacy Video in 2006, of a disabled boy being bullied by several classmates.

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Data Inspectorate of Norway investigated Google privacy and stated that the 18- to 24-month period for retaining data proposed by Google privacy was too long.

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In 2012 and 2013, Google reached two settlements over tracking people online without their knowledge after bypassing privacy settings in Apple's Safari browser.

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In both settlements Google privacy denied any wrongdoing, but said it discontinued circumventing the settings early in 2012, after the practice was publicly reported, and stopped tracking Safari users and showing them personalized ads.

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In September 2019, Google privacy was fined $170 million by the Federal Trade Commission in New York for violation of COPPA regulations on its YouTube platform.

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