66 Facts About Loki


Loki is married to Sigyn and they have two sons, Narfi and Nari or Vali.

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Loki is a shape shifter and in separate incidents appears in the form of a salmon, a mare, a fly, and possibly an elderly woman named Þokk .

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Loki is referred to in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources; the Prose Edda and Heimskringla, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson; the Norwegian Rune Poems, in the poetry of skalds, and in Scandinavian folklore.

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Loki has been depicted in or is referenced in a variety of media in modern popular culture.

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In various poems from the Poetic Edda, and sections of the Prose Edda Loki is alternatively referred to as Loptr, which is generally considered derived from Old Norse lopt meaning "air", and therefore points to an association with the air.

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Name Hveðrungr is used in reference to Loki, occurring in names for Hel and in reference to Fenrir .

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In stanza 51, during the events of Ragnarok, Loki appears free from his bonds and is referred to as the "brother of Byleistr" :.

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Ship journeys from the east, Muspell's people are coming, over the waves, and Loki steersThere are the monstrous brood with all the raveners, The brother of Byleist is in company with them.

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Loki comes out of the woods, and meets Eldir outside of the hall.

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Loki greets Eldir with a demand that Eldir tell him what the gods are discussing over their ale inside the hall.

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Loki says that he will go into the feast, and that, before the end of the feast, he will induce quarrelling among the gods, and "mix their mead with malice".

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Loki then enters the hall, and everyone there falls silent upon noticing him.

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The skaldic god Bragi is the first to respond to Loki by telling him that Loki will not have a seat and place assigned to him by the gods at the feast, for the gods know what men they should invite.

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Loki responds that Bragi will always be short of all of these things, accusing him of being "wary of war" and "shy of shooting".

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Loki tells Iðunn to be silent, calling her the most "man-crazed" of all women, and saying that she placed her washed, bright arms around her brother's slayer.

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Loki says that Odin does a poor job in handing out honor in war to men, and that he's often given victory to the faint-hearted.

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Odin responds that even if this is true, Loki once spent eight winters beneath the earth as a woman milking cows, and during this time bore children.

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Loki reminds Frigg that he is responsible for the death of her son Baldr.

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Goddess Freyja declares that Loki must be mad, stating that Frigg knows all fate, yet she does not speak it.

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Freyja replies that Loki is lying, that he just wants to "yelp about wicked things" that gods and goddesses are furious with him, and that he will go home thwarted.

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Loki tells Njorðr to be silent, recalling Njorðr's status as once having been a hostage from the Vanir to the Æsir during the Æsir-Vanir War, that the "daughters of Hymir" once used Njorðr "as a pisspot", urinating in his mouth .

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Loki tells Njorðr to maintain his moderation, and that he will not keep it secret any longer that Njorðr fathered this son with his sister, although one would expect him to be worse than he turned out.

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Loki tells Tyr to be silent a second time, and states that Tyr's wife had a son by Loki, and that Tyr never received any compensation for this "injury", further calling him a "wretch".

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Freyr himself interrupts at this point, and says that he sees a wolf lying before a river mouth, and that, unless Loki is immediately silent, like the wolf, Loki shall be bound until Ragnarok.

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Loki refers to Byggvir in terms of a dog, and says that Byggvir is always found at Freyr's ears, or twittering beneath a grindstone.

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Loki tells him to be silent, that Byggvir does not know how to apportion food among men, and that he hides among the straw and dais when men go to battle.

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God Heimdallr says that Loki is drunk and witless, and asks Loki why he won't stop speaking.

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Loki tells Heimdallr to be silent, that he was fated a "hateful life", that Heimdallr must always have a muddy back, and serve as watchman of the gods.

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The goddess Skaði says that while Loki now appears light-hearted and "playing" with his "tail-wagging", he will soon be bound with his ice-cold son's guts on a sharp rock by the gods.

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Loki says that, even if this is his fate, that he was "first and foremost" with the other gods at the killing of Skaði's father, Þjazi.

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Loki says that Skaði was once gentler in speech to him when Skaði once invited him to her bed, and that such events must be mentioned if they are to recall "shameful deeds".

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Loki "takes the horn", drinks it, and says that she would be, if it were so, and states that Sif and Loki had been lovers, despite her marriage to Thor .

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Thor arrives, and tells Loki to be silent, referring to him as an "evil creature", stating that with his hammer Mjollnir he will silence Loki by hammering his head from his shoulders.

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Thor responds by telling Loki to be silent, threatening him with Mjollnir, and adding that every one of Loki's bones will be broken with it.

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Loki says he intends to live for a long while yet despite Thor's threats, and taunts Thor about an encounter Thor once had with the Skrymir .

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Loki ends the poetic verses of Lokasenna with a final stanza:.

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The narrative continues that Loki was bound with the entrails of his son Nari, and his son Narfi changed into a wolf.

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Loki appears in both prose and the first six stanzas of the poem Reginsmal.

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Loki is sent to retrieve the gold, and Loki goes to the goddess Ran, borrows her net, and then goes back to the Andvara-falls.

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Loki responds by asking Andvari "what requital" does mankind get if "they wound each other with words".

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Loki looks over the gold that Andvari possesses, and after Andvari hands over all of his gold, Andvari holds on to but a single ring; the ring Andvarinaut, which Loki takes.

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Loki is mentioned in stanza 14, the final stanza of the poem, where the volva tells Odin to ride home, to be proud of himself, and that no one else will come visit until "Loki is loose, escaped from his bonds" and the onset of Ragnarok.

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Loki is referenced in two stanzas in Voluspa hin skamma, found within the poem Hyndluljoð.

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Loki ate some of the heart, the thought-stone of a woman, roasted on a linden-wood fire, he found it half-cooked;Lopt was impregnated by a wicked woman, from whom every ogress on earth is descended.

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Loki first appears in the Prose Edda in chapter 20 of the book Gylfaginning, where he is referred to as the "as called Loki" while the enthroned figure of Third explains to "Gangleri" the goddess Frigg's prophetic abilities while citing a stanza of Lokasenna.

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In chapter 44, Third reluctantly relates a tale where Thor and Loki are riding in Thor's chariot, which is pulled by his two goats.

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Utgarða-Loki says that no visitors are allowed to stay unless they can perform a feat.

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Loki, standing in the rear of the party, is the first to speak, claiming that he can eat faster than anyone.

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Loki consumed all of the meat off of the bones on his side, yet Logi had not only consumed his meat, but the bones and the trencher itself.

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Utgarða-Loki says to Thor that fighting anyone else would be pointless.

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Utgarða-Loki appears, has his servants prepare a table, and they all merrily eat and drink.

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Utgarða-Loki reveals that all was not what it seemed to the group.

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Utgarða-Loki was in fact the immense Skrymir, and that if the three blows Thor attempted to land had hit their mark, the first would have killed Skrymir.

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Utgarða-Loki reveals that Loki had actually competed against wildfire itself, Þjalfi had raced against thought, Thor's drinking horn had actually reached to the ocean and with his drinks he lowered the ocean level .

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Utgarða-Loki tells Thor that it would be better for "both sides" if they did not meet again.

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Loki is mentioned in stanza 13 of the Norwegian rune poem in connection with the Younger Futhark Bjarkan rune:.

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Notion of Loki survived into the modern period in the folklore of Scandinavia.

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In 1889, Sophus Bugge theorized Loki to be variant of Lucifer of Christianity, an element of Bugge's larger effort to find a basis of Christianity in Norse mythology.

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The first of the four theories is that of Folke Strom, who in 1956 concluded that Loki is a hypostasis of the god Odin.

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In 1959, Jan de Vries theorized that Loki is a typical example of a trickster figure.

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The main argument for this is that the gods Odin, Hœnir and Loki occur as a trio in Haustlong, in the prose prologue to Reginsmal and in the Loka Tattur a Faroese ballad, an example of Norse deities appearing in later folklore.

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One argument against it is that Loki appears as a malevolent being later in Voluspa, seemingly conflicting with the image of Loðurr as a "mighty and loving" figure.

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Loki suggests a borrowed element from the traditions of the Caucasus region, and identifies a mythological parallel with the "Christian legend of the bound Antichrist awaiting the Last Judgment".

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Loki appears in Richard Wagner's opera cycle Ring of the Nibelung as Loge, depicted as an ally of the gods, although he generally dislikes them and thinks of them as greedy, as they refuse to return the Rhine Gold to its rightful owners.

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In 2008, five black smokers were discovered between Greenland and Norway, the most northerly group so far discovered, and given the name Loki's Castle, as their shape reminded discoverers of a fantasy castle, and "Loki" was "an appropriate name for a field that was so difficult to locate".

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Loki has been depicted in or is referred to in an array of media in modern popular culture.

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