13 Facts About Makassar people


Makassar or Makassarese people are an ethnic group that inhabits the southern part of the South Peninsula, Sulawesi in Indonesia.

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Makassar people are an ethnic group originally from the southern coast of the island of Sulawesi.

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The Makassar people made treaties with Bali and cooperated with Malacca and Banten, as well as some other kingdoms within the archipelago.

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Makassar people are known to have explored large sections of the world's oceans, reaching as far as South Africa.

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Makassar people communicated at length with a Makassan captain, Pobasso, through his cook, who was a Malay, and learned of the extent of the trade from this encounter.

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Makassar people first made the voyage to northern Australia as a young man.

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Makassar people suffered dismasting and several shipwrecks, generally positive but occasionally conflicting relationships with Indigenous Australians, and was the first trepanger to pay the South Australian government trepanging licence in 1883, an impost that made the trade less viable.

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Main source of income of the Makassar people is rice farming; however, they are famous throughout Indonesia for their skill in trading and as fishermen.

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The Makassar people often help their neighbors in matters such as working in the rice fields and building houses.

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Commonly known as "Logat Makassar people" is a creole of Malay.

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Presently, the Makassar people are almost all Muslim, but some traditional pre-Islamic beliefs are still influential, especially in the remote areas.

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Makassar people cuisine uses a blend of agrarian and maritime ingredients.

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Idea that the Buginese and Makassar people are ethnically cognate derives from the conquest of kingdoms such as Bone state and Wajo Kingdom by the Sultanate of Gowa.

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