32 Facts About Manchester Black


Manchester Black is a fictional character in American comic books published by DC Comics, in particular those featuring Superman.

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Manchester Black was a ruthless vigilante who led a crime fighting team called The Elite.

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Manchester Black claimed distant African and Korean heritage, but as he made these claims to justify his use of racist terms towards these groups, it is possible he was either lying or joking.

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Manchester Black first appears as the leader of a team of super-powered antiheroes called The Elite, who gained worldwide popularity for viciously killing their foes and thus preventing them from coming back to cause more problems.

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Manchester Black used his powers to give Superman a stroke, and his teammates apparently were able to destroy Superman in a giant explosion.

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Manchester Black identified the growth as the source of Black's powers, and carefully fired a thin burst of heat vision through Black's retinas, removing it and thus disabling Black.

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Furious, Manchester Black declared that by not killing him, Superman had guaranteed that as long as Manchester Black was alive, he would come after Superman again and again, but Superman calmly replied that he wouldn't want it any other way, and that dreams like the ones he gave to Earth were what made life worth living until the example he and other heroes provided led to a better tomorrow.

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Temporarily beaten Manchester Black was taken into custody, and his mental powers were restored over the next few months.

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Manchester Black targeted everyone in Superman's life—from Clark's old football coach to his current dentist—before launching a mass assault.

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Manchester Black taunted Superman, goading him into killing him, but Superman put Lois' body first and resolved to give her a proper burial.

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Manchester Black's spirit wavered and his illusion crumbled, revealing Lois to be still alive.

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Manchester Black had been trying to force Superman into a position in which he would have to kill, intending for Superman to learn, after Manchester Black's demise, that he had broken his moral code for nothing, thus leaving him truly broken.

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Distraught at the revelation that he had become a villain himself, Manchester Black made the supervillains forget Superman's secret identity.

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Manchester Black then fired a telekinetic pulse at his own head, taking his own life.

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Manchester Black then proposes a partnership; suspicious of Manchester Black's real intentions, Red Robin agrees to it, but sends Beast Boy to investigate him.

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Manchester Black appears to be restored to his original look and powers, though his hair is black rather than purple.

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Manchester Black takes Jon Kent, the young Superboy, hostage and de-powers him, forcing him to watch images of his parents fighting off his creatures and suffering.

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Manchester Black is behind the illusory Hamilton County where the Kents live.

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Manchester Black created it when he helped the Elites escape from the Kroogarians, with Deadman's Swamp being the center of most of the connected residents of the aliens who are disguised as citizens of Hamilton.

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Manchester Black was a powerfully skilled telekinetic and telepath who was capable of very precise uses of telekinesis; for example, he was able to give Superman the equivalent of a stroke by telekinetically pinching the blood vessels in Superman's brain.

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Manchester Black was able to create very detailed illusions on a vast scale, erase memories, and could telepathically control thousands of minds at the same time.

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Manchester Black was able to switch Superman's and Bizarro's minds, putting them into each other's bodies.

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In Rebirth, Manchester Black has demonstrated enough power to neutralize the powers of Jon Kent, the son of Superman and Lois Lane, and restore them at will later.

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Manchester Black appears in the fourth season of Supergirl, portrayed by David Ajala.

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In "Ahimsa", Manchester Black worked with Martian Manhunter to find Fiona after she was captured by the Children of Liberty.

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In "Call to Action", Manchester Black begins his revenge by targeting some members of the Children of Liberty.

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Later, in "Rather the Fallen Angel", Manchester Black helps Jimmy Olsen fight the Children of Liberty and then goes after Ben Lockwood.

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In "Bunker Hill", Manchester Black makes use of the Lockwood Factory to confront Ben in his Agent Liberty alias where Manchester Black has his wife Lydia as a hostage.

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When he tries to make a flood, Black is killed by a vengeful J'onn J'onzz after the latter believed that he was the one who shot Olsen, disintegrating Manchester, who, in his last moments, found J'onn's unleashed rage "beautiful".

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Manchester Black appears in Superman vs The Elite, voiced by Robin Atkin Downes as an adult and with Grey DeLisle as a young Manchester.

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Manchester Black appears as an unlockable playable character in Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, voiced again by Robin Atkin Downes.

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Some of Manchester Black's appearances have been reprinted in trade paperbacks:.

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