144 Facts About Mary Crawley


Mary Crawley is the husband of Cora, son of Violet, and father of Mary, Edith and Sybil.

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Mary Crawley often resists "modern" suggestions for better management of the estate, especially after his daughter Mary joins his sons-in-law Matthew and Tom in running it.

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Mary Crawley has a strong bond with her granddaughter Mary, to whom she is the most similar.

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In 1914, Matthew asks Mary Crawley to marry him, but she is hesitant because of circumstances regarding the inheritance of the estate.

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Mary Crawley becomes fiercely political and desires to break free from the social restrictions of the times.

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Mary Crawley finds it difficult to reconcile the traditionalist, aristocratic lifestyle of Downton with his middle-class upbringing, but he is eventually accepted into the family and becomes something of a surrogate son to Lord Grantham.

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Matthew and Mary Crawley fall in love, but circumstances separate them, and Matthew becomes engaged to Lavinia Swire.

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In September 1921, Mary Crawley gives birth to their son George, but Matthew is killed in a car crash while driving home from the hospital.

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Mary Crawley maintains a quarrelsome rivalry with Violet, the Dowager Countess, but this eventually develops into a genuine friendship, especially after Isobel is grief-stricken by Matthew's unexpected death and Violet's brief illness.

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Mary Crawley is devoted to Robert and his family and thus feels it is her duty to speak her mind on every possible occasion, though her interference in her nieces' decisions often has disastrous results.

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Mary Crawley is an outspoken socialist, Irish nationalist and republican; during luncheons in the servants' hall, he had few qualms about espousing support for early Labour leader Keir Hardie.

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Mary Crawley is baptised as a Catholic in accordance with her father's wishes, despite her grandfather Robert's strong preference that she be christened into the Anglican faith.

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Mary Crawley plays outside with her cousins Sybil and George, as the adults are having tea inside the Downton estate.

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Mary Crawley is appointed Governor of Bombay that year, and he and his wife travel to India.

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Mary Crawley meets Lady Rose MacClare one stormy day in York in the spring of 1924, while she is leaving a pastry shop, and helps her with her packages.

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Mary Crawley goes with her to the church of St Mary Magdalene, where Rose helps care for exiled Russians.

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Mary Crawley is initially reticent about his family, but mentions that his great-grandfather and his family were Russian Jews from Odessa who had emigrated to England during the 19th century and eventually anglicised their family name.

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Mary Crawley refuses to assume his title publicly until his cousin's memorial service, though Carson instructs the Downton staff to address him as "Your Lordship" nonetheless.

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Mary Crawley arrives at Downton before leaving to settle his cousin's affairs, and Edith accepts his proposal.

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In "The Finale", feeling guilty about ruining Edith's happiness, Mary Crawley arranges for Bertie and Edith to reunite at a restaurant.

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Mary Crawley has worked at Downton since he was a young man, when his grandfather was its Head Groom.

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Mary Crawley is a major figure in the community in his own right, as evidenced in series five when he is asked to chair a committee building a memorial to townsmen who died during the First World War.

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Mary Crawley has a stern, but fatherly, disposition over the servants.

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Mary Crawley has a special place in his heart for Lady Mary, given she was the first child born at Downton during his tenure as butler.

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Mary Crawley is one of the few people who is prepared to speak frankly to her, and is prepared to leave Downton Abbey to join her at Haxby when she is engaged to Sir Richard Carlisle.

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Mary Crawley reacts callously at first, reminding him of his place, but soon comes to apologise, and finally breaks down and cries.

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Mary Crawley has a close relationship with Mrs Hughes, built up over a quarter-century of overseeing the household staff.

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Mary Crawley is concerned that the royal staff is running roughshod over Barrow.

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Mary Crawley is originally from Argyll, Scotland, where her father was a farmer.

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Mary Crawley has one sibling, a sister who lives in Lytham St Annes.

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Mary Crawley has developed a close relationship with Mr Carson; at the time the series begins, the two had overseen Downton's staff for almost 20 years.

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Mary Crawley speaks frankly about her employers when she and Mr Carson are alone; she enjoys seeing the Dowager Countess getting her comeuppance with the arrival of Isobel Crawley.

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Mary Crawley is one of Anna's closest allies, being the first person who helps her in the aftermath of Mr Green's attack.

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Mary Crawley refused to hand the police the ticket regarding Mr Bates's trip to London on the day Mr Green died, telling Lady Mary she could never condemn a man for defending his wife's honour against such a crime.

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Mary Crawley previously served in the Army alongside the earl as his batman during the Boer Wars and suffered an injury to his right leg.

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Mary Crawley arrives at Downton in the first episode to replace Lord Grantham's previous valet.

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Mary Crawley manages to stop the divorce that Mr Bates thought was a foregone conclusion, and he goes to London to confront her.

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Mary Crawley is arrested in front of the entire Downton staff after Lavinia's funeral and is put on trial, during which some other staff members at Downton and Robert are called to testify.

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Mary Crawley reveals the story of Anna's attack but states that the attacker was a stranger who broke into the house.

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Mary Crawley tells Anna he knows what has happened, and reassures her that he still loves her.

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Mary Crawley gives it to Lady Mary, who destroys it after Bates uses his skills as forger and pickpocket in suppressing a royal scandal.

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Mary Crawley tells him that she believed she was pregnant, but that she had miscarried, and that it had potentially happened twice before.

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Mary Crawley asks her if she had ever considered adoption, but she tells him that the idea would never work for him nor her as they would want their own child.

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Mary Crawley continues to notice the change in her mood after Anna tells Mary that she believes she is pregnant again.

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Mary Crawley is very trustworthy, polite, and loyal to the Crawley family and her "downstairs" co-workers.

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Lady Mary Crawley prepares a room for Anna and her husband in the main house so they can spend their wedding night together.

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Mary Crawley becomes distant from everyone, and is unable to even bear Mr Bates's touch, as she confesses to Mrs Hughes that she feels she no longer deserves him, and feels unclean.

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Mary Crawley decides to move back into Downton Abbey, leaving Mr Bates hurt and confused.

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Mr Green briefly returns to Downton, and Lady Mary Crawley persuades Lord Gillingham to dismiss him, although she does not give him a reason.

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Mary Crawley is forced to accept defeat in this, not knowing that Lady Mary had already destroyed the ticket, as she wrongly believed it proved Bates's guilt.

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Mary Crawley reveals that Bates is no longer a suspect, as the person seen talking to Green appeared to be shorter than him.

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Later, having returned to Grantham House, Mrs Hughes interrupts Anna and Lady Mary Crawley and informs them that Vyner has returned and has come to arrest her.

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Later, at the memorial, Mary Crawley speaks to Bates, certain that Anna will not be convicted, and feels there will not even be a trial, as the police have nothing to go on.

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Mary Crawley reveals that her father died when she was about six years old and that her mother remarried, of which Bates already knew, however Anna had not told him the whole story.

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Mary Crawley struck him; however, she did not kill him, merely wounded him.

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Mary Crawley writes to Robert with an address attached so he can be contacted.

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Mary Crawley tries to convince her that despite wanting children, she alone is enough for him, which she has trouble accepting.

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Mary Crawley offers to take Anna to London, paying for her to visit Dr Ryder, the doctor that had treated Mary Crawley for problems when she had trouble conceiving a child with Matthew.

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Mary Crawley, claiming the emergency to be for herself, rushes Anna to London to see Ryder and manages to get there in time to save the baby.

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In episode 7, after the accident at the car racing in Brooklands, Anna rushes after Mary Crawley, Bates warns her not to do so "in her condition" and he asks Baxter to go after her.

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Mary Crawley insists that Anna shouldn't return to her and Bates's cottage and instead allows Anna to stay in her room to have her baby.

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Mary Crawley tells the Bateses that their newborn son is welcome to stay at Downton's nursery during the day, as Anna wants to continue working at Downton, and that soon their son will be joined by a child of her own, as Mary Crawley is pregnant.

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Mary Crawley starts his employment there in 1910 as a junior footman.

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Mary Crawley manipulates Daisy in order to further his plans to have Mr Bates ousted.

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Mary Crawley purposefully puts his hand in the line of fire in order to gain a blighty wound and be sent home.

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Mary Crawley is caught by Alfred, who walks in on this scene and eventually tells Mr Carson at O'Brien's insistence.

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Mary Crawley comes to dislike the new nanny for the two young children of Downton, and refuses to pass on her instructions to other members of staff.

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Mary Crawley eventually takes a position in a smaller household, but when Carson develops an illness, Barrow is invited back to Downton to become the new butler.

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Mary Crawley is especially bitter and resentful towards most of the other servants, perhaps due to her family circumstances; the animosity is common knowledge, even for the Crawleys.

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Mary Crawley had one favourite brother who had shell shock and later died during the Great War.

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Mary Crawley uses her position to curry favour with Lady Grantham to consolidate her influence, although her actions usually benefit them both.

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Mary Crawley is one of the few servants who smoke on a regular basis.

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Mary Crawley has a nephew, Alfred Nugent, who later becomes a footman at Downton.

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Mary Crawley is one of eleven children and her parents are deceased.

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Mary Crawley is unsure how to handle the situation, especially when he is drafted during the First World War and convinces himself that she is his sweetheart.

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Mary Crawley decides, with some encouragement from Mrs Patmore, to allow William his fantasy to boost his morale in battle and gives him a photo.

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Mary Crawley resists claiming her widow's pension as she thinks it wrong to claim money for marrying a man that she liked but would have not married under normal circumstances.

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Mary Crawley is entrusted with teaching Lady Sybil how to cook, something which the pair enjoy.

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Mary Crawley decides to avoid seeing him when he comes to say final goodbyes, but her father-in-law, whom she goes to see, convinces her she must say goodbye to him.

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Mary Crawley's efforts are rewarded when her father-in-law is offered the tenancy of Yew Tree Farm, located in the Downton estate.

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Mary Crawley gets a new hairstyle and announces that she will move into Yew Tree Farm with Mr Mason, while still working at Downton.

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Mary Crawley later tells Mrs Patmore that she is ready to start planning her wedding to Andy.

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Mary Crawley takes great pride in her cooking and is a perfectionist in the kitchen.

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Mary Crawley seems to have protective feelings towards Daisy when she suspects that some of the other staff such as Thomas or Miss O'Brien are trying to make a fool or take advantage of her.

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Mary Crawley receives some money from a deceased family member, purchases a cottage in the nearby community of Haughton-le-Skerne and opens a Bed and Breakfast, hiring her niece, Lucy to help her.

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Mary Crawley begins to see Albert Mason, Daisy's father in law, and between the two of them, help Daisy to realise that no matter what happens with them, they will always be there for Daisy, and that they love her very much.

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Mary Crawley's father was a local farmer and William used to help with the horses.

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Mary Crawley's mother died of illness towards the end of the first series.

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Mary Crawley was further humiliated after being handed a white feather at a benefit concert held in the Crawley mansion.

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Mary Crawley was hospitalised in Leeds as Downton, then used as a convalescent home, was only for officers, but William's father could not afford to leave his farm or repeatedly travel to and fro to visit.

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Mary Crawley's aunt is Sarah O'Brien, who brings him forward as a candidate for the empty post based on his previous experience as a waiter at a hotel.

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Mary Crawley is extremely tall, which Carson comments is almost too much, even though height is a desirable aspect for a footman.

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Mary Crawley often helps Ivy in the kitchen with his culinary skills, much to Daisy's ire.

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Mary Crawley is in love with Ivy, who is in love with Jimmy, while Daisy is in love with Alfred and determined to break them up.

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Mary Crawley first appears onscreen after Lord Grantham has given Carson permission to hire another footman in addition to Alfred Nugent.

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Mary Crawley says that she does not want to be in service for the rest of her life and often complains about her surroundings.

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Mary Crawley begins an affair with Major Charles Bryant when he is being treated at Downton while it is a temporary convalescent home.

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Mary Crawley insists that Ethel cannot prove that Charlie is Major Bryant's child.

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Mary Crawley is employed in Crawley house by Isobel and Mrs Patmore teaches her to cook, despite Mrs Bird leaving her post.

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Mary Crawley is the son of Bill Molesley, the winner of the best bloom at the Downton Flower Show in 1913.

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Mary Crawley has feelings for Anna, but they are unrequited and she later marries Mr Bates.

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Mary Crawley finds himself mutually attracted to Lady Grantham's new maid, Baxter.

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Mary Crawley continues to do so after Barrow returns, telling her that he does not care to know what Barrow has over her, but urges her to stand up to him and not let him make her do things she does not wish to do.

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Mary Crawley reveals that she had stolen jewellery from a previous employer who treated her nicely, and she went to prison but was released early for good behaviour.

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Mary Crawley believes she must have been lured into doing it, because it is not in her nature.

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Mary Crawley is a widow as her husband died during the First World War.

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Mary Crawley formerly worked as a hall boy, but wants to become a footman.

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Mary Crawley appears to have been warned off Thomas by Mr Carson, Mrs Hughes, and Mrs Patmore.

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Mary Crawley is accompanied by his boss Charles Blake as they are working on a government project studying estates and their progress.

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Mary Crawley is a past lover of Thomas, at the time first footman, but this affair ends in autumn 1912, after the duke visits Downton under the pretext of courting Mary, then tricks her into leading him into the servants' quarters, where he retrieves a packet of love letters to prevent Thomas from blackmailing him over the affair.

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Mary Crawley is never referred to by name on the show, but the published scripts reveal his first name to be Philip.

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Mary Crawley is the daughter of London solicitor Reggie Swire, to whom she has been very close ever since her mother's death during her early childhood.

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Mary Crawley first meets Matthew when he is back in England on leave from the Army and they later become engaged.

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Just before her death she confesses to Matthew that she had seen the kiss between him and Mary Crawley and tells him that her death is the best for all of them.

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Mary Crawley's father dies shortly after and Matthew honours his deathbed wish for his ashes to be placed in Lavinia's grave.

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Mary Crawley helps cover up the scandal that the murder trial of Downton valet Bates would cause.

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Mary Crawley asks for large amounts of money, refusing a divorce so he cannot marry fellow servant Anna, and blackmails him, threatening to expose Lady Mary's secret.

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Mary Crawley wants her husband back since she has tried living on her own and does not like it.

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Mary Crawley tells Anna that she remembers Vera had dried food under her fingernails, meaning that Vera made the pie herself knowing that her husband would be implicated for murder.

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Mary Crawley would take on Downton footman Andy Parker as a farmhand, and at series end, would be pleased when Daisy would finally move to Yew Tree Farm with him at long last.

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Mary Crawley meets Mrs Hughes at a fair in Downton after the death of Ivy and asked her a second time to marry him, giving her a parting gift of a small doll.

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Mary Crawley had planned to make a proposal of marriage to her and took her to the village fair.

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Mary Crawley's good looks are widely commented on and attract both Mary and Thomas.

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Mary Crawley enlists the help of Anna and Cora to move his body, which is seen by Daisy.

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Mary Crawley is coerced by O'Brien into telling Edith, who writes to the Turkish Ambassador.

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Cora tells Robert the whole story when he asks if there is another reason for Mary Crawley staying with Carlisle when she obviously does not like him.

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Isobel Mary Crawley knows of a cure, but as a modern medical technique it is unfamiliar to Dr Clarkson, who is reluctant to try it.

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Mary Crawley's love of automobiles was a common interest that he shared with Edith and as well as bringing them close together inspired Edith to learn to drive.

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Mary Crawley was planning to propose to Edith before Mary tricked him into thinking Edith would reject him and he leaves without an explanation.

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Mary Crawley has a sister, Mrs Chetwood, who writes to Cora with the recipe for his favourite dessert, apple charlotte.

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Mary Crawley began flirting with her, later admitting he is attracted to her.

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Mary Crawley cares not for what others will think of him for changing his citizenship, only of Edith's love.

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Mary Crawley feels, knowing Michael granted her power of attorney and she might inherit all he has if he is confirmed dead, that she must give something to their daughter, whom she then decides to reclaim.

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Mary Crawley now realises the 10-month trip to Switzerland was a farce.

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Mary Crawley was interested in studying medicine once in his life, but his father did not think it suitable for someone of his position.

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Mary Crawley knew Mary since they were young children, but they did not become reacquainted as adults until after Matthew's death at the end of series three.

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When Mary Crawley discovers that it was Green who assaulted Anna, she asks Tony to dismiss him, but says she cannot tell him why.

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Mary Crawley begins to feel he is a sensible match for her.

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Mary Crawley convinces her to go away with him to a hotel in Liverpool to be lovers, and she agrees, wanting to be sure he is the right man for her.

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Mary Crawley says they do not have enough in common, and Violet later says it is because Tony was not clever enough for her.

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Mary Crawley calls it off with him but he becomes angry and refuses to break it off with her.

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Mary Crawley joins his fellow former nobles on an outing to Downton in the spring of 1924.

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Mary Crawley discusses with Charles Blake his feelings for Mary.

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Mary Crawley later opens the ball at Grantham House and dances with Rose.

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