15 Facts About Massage


Massage techniques are commonly applied with hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearms, feet, or a device.

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Massage is referred to in 30 different chapters of the Nei Jing.

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Massage's works included a comprehensive collection and systematization of the fragmentary and unorganized Greco-Roman medical literature that had been translated Arabic by that time, augmented by notes from his own experiences.

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Massage in China is an extremely popular therapy, the city of Shanghai alone playing host to over 1500 foot massage centers while there are more than 3000 in Shenzhen.

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Massage started to become popular in the United States in the middle part of the 19th century and was introduced by two New York physicians, George and Charles Taylor, based on Per Henrik Ling's techniques developed in Sweden.

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Massage developed alongside athletics in both Ancient China and Ancient Greece.

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Massage has been employed by businesses and organizations such as the US Department of Justice, Boeing and Reebok.

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Massage has been documented in Tikopia in the Solomon Islands, in Rarotonga, in Pukapuka and in Western Samoa.

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Massage used in the medical field includes decongestive therapy used for lymphedema which can be used in conjunction with the treatment of breast cancer.

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Thai Massage involves a number of stretching movements that improve body flexibility, joint movement and improve blood circulation throughout the body.

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In one study scientists found that Thai Massage showed comparable efficacy as the painkiller ibuprofen in the reduction of joint pain caused by osteoarthritis of the knee.

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Massage is hindered from reaching the gold standard of scientific research, which includes placebo-controlled and double blind clinical trials.

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Massage has been shown to reduce neuromuscular excitability by measuring changes in the Hoffman's reflex amplitude.

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Massage therapy is based on Ayurveda, the ancient medicinal system that evolved around 600 BC.

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Massage therapy is the most used type of alternative medicine in hospitals in the United States.

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