10 Facts About Peter Sunde


Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi was born on 13 September 1978, and alias brokep, is a Swedish entrepreneur and politician.

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Peter Sunde is best known for being a co-founder and ex-spokesperson of The Pirate Bay, a BitTorrent search engine.

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Peter Sunde is an equality advocate and has expressed concerns over issues of centralization of power to the European Union in his blog.

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Peter Sunde participates in the Pirate Party of Finland and describes himself as a socialist.

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Peter Sunde remained The Pirate Bay's spokesperson until late 2009 .

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Peter Sunde is vegan and speaks Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, English and German.

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Peter Sunde ran for European Parliament in 2014 election with the Pirate Party of Finland.

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On 31 May 2014, just days after the EU elections and exactly eight years after the police raided The Pirate Bay servers, Peter Sunde was arrested at a farm in Oxie, Malmo to serve his prison sentence for the Pirate Bay case.

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Peter Sunde was released five months later after having served two-thirds of his eight-month sentence.

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Segments of an interview with Peter Sunde talking about copyright, the Internet, and culture are featured in the 2007 documentary Steal This Film and 2013 documentary TPB AFK.

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