24 Facts About Songhai Empire


Sonni Ali established Gao as the capital of the empire although a Songhai state had existed in and around Gao since the 11th century.

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Under the rule of Sonni Ali, the Songhai surpassed the Malian Empire in area, wealth, and power, absorbing vast areas of the Mali Empire and reached its greatest extent.

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Songhai Empire's son and successor, Sonni Baru, was a less successful ruler of the empire, and as such was overthrown by Muhammad Ture, one of his father's generals, who instituted political and economic reforms throughout the empire.

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Songhai Empire would be the last ruler of the Songhai Empire, for in 1590, al-Mansur took advantage of the recent civil strife in the empire and sent an army under the command of Judar Pasha to conquer the Songhai and to gain control of the Trans-Saharan trade routes.

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Songhai Empire replaced Mali as the most important empire in West Africa.

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Between 750 and 950, as the Ghana Songhai Empire prospered as the "land of gold" far to the west, the trading centre at Gao became an increasingly important terminus for trade across the Sahara.

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Songhai Empire arrived by boat from Timbuktu on his return journey from visiting the capital of the empire:.

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Songhai Empire put down a Tuareg rebellion in Takedda and attempted to quell the Songhai rebellion in Gao.

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Songhai Empire worked hard to get the Songhai empire past its rocky start.

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Songhai Empire annexed Timbuktu in 1468, after Islamic leaders of the town requested his assistance in overthrowing marauding Tuaregs who had taken the city following the decline of Mali.

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Furthermore, he was most likely a descendant of Soninke lineage rather than Songhai Empire, which means that by Songhai Empire standards his family background would have not allowed him to be King.

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Songhai Empire organized the territories that Sonni Ali had previously conquered and extended his power as far to the south and east.

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Songhai Empire was not as tactful as Ali in the means of the military, but he did find success in alliances.

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Songhai Empire sent his children to an Islamic School and enforced Islamic practices.

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Songhai Empire donated some to charity and used the rest for lavish gifts to impress the people of Mecca with the wealth of the Songhai.

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Songhai Empire's pilgrimage was much less noteworthy to Cairene historians than that of Mansa Musa; they noted it consisted of "an escort of 500 cavalry and 1000 infantry, and with him he carried 300,000 pieces of gold".

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Songhai Empire's army consisted of war canoes, expert cavalry, protective armor, iron tipped weapons, and an organized militia.

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Songhai Empire centralized the administration of the empire and established an efficient bureaucracy which was responsible for, among other things, tax collection and the administration of justice.

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Songhai Empire demanded that canals be built in order to enhance agriculture, which would eventually increase trade.

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The main reason for the Moroccan invasion of Songhai Empire was to seize control of and revive the trans-Saharan trade in salt and gold.

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The Songhai used slaves more consistently than their predecessors, the Ghana and Mali empires.

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Criminal justice in Songhai Empire was based mainly, if not entirely, on Islamic principles, especially during the rule of Askia Muhammad.

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Songhai Empire encouraged learning in Timbuktu by rewarding its professors with larger pensions as an incentive.

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Songhai Empire established an order of precedence and protocol and was noted as a noble man who gave back generously to the poor.

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