11 Facts About Spanish nationality


Spanish nationality law refers to all the laws of Spain concerning nationality.

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Article 11 of the First Title of the Spanish Constitution refers to Spanish nationality and establishes that a separate law is to regulate how it is acquired and lost.

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Spanish nationality is generally acquired on the principle of jus sanguinis, with limited additional provision for its acquisition per jus soli .

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Traditionally, considerations about the Spanish nationality had been regulated by constitutional articles: the 5th article of the 1812 Cadiz Constitution, 1st article of the 1837 Constitution, 1st Article of the 1845 Constitution, 2nd article of the unpromulgated 1856 Constitution, 1st article of the 1869 Constitution and 1st article of the 1876 Constitution.

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Rather, article 11 establishes that Spanish nationality is acquired, preserved and lost in accordance with the provisions of the law .

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Spanish nationality by option must be claimed within two years after their 18th birthday or after their "emancipation", regardless of age, except for those individuals whose father or mother had been originally Spanish and born in Spain, for which there is no age limit.

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Spanish nationality can be acquired by naturalization, which is only granted at the discretion of the government through a Royal Decree, and under exceptional circumstances, for example to notable individuals.

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People who lose Spanish nationality can recover it if they become legal residents in Spain.

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Period wherein the Spanish nationality could be acquired by the Law of Historical memory started on 27 December 2008, and was concluded on 26 December 2011.

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Foreign nationals who acquire Spanish nationality must renounce their previous nationality, unless they are natural-born citizens of a Latin American country, Andorra, the Philippines, Equatorial Guinea or France.

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Spain forms part of the European Union, Spanish nationality citizens are citizens of the European Union under European Union law and thus enjoy rights of free movement and have the right to vote in elections for the European Parliament.

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