18 Facts About Alawites


Alawites have historically kept their beliefs secret from outsiders and non-initiated Alawites, so rumours about them have arisen.

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The Alawite State was later dismantled, but the Alawites continued to be a significant part of the Syrian Armed Forces.

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Alawites are distinct from the Alevi religious sect in Turkey, although the terms share a common etymology and pronunciation.

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Alawites were later organised during Hamdanid rule in northern Syria by a follower of Muhammad ibn Nusayr known as al-Khasibi, who died in Aleppo about 969, after a rivalry with the Ishaqiyya sect, which claimed to have the doctrine of Ibn Nusayr.

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The 19th century historian Elias Saleh described the Alawites as living in a "state of ignorance" and having the negative traits of "laziness, lying, deceitfulness, inclination to robbery and bloodshed, and backstabbing".

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Alawites's forces entered al-Ali's village of Al-Shaykh Badr, arresting many Alawi leaders; however, Al-Ali fled to the north.

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French Mandate Administration encouraged Alawites to join their military forces, in part to provide a counterweight to the Sunni majority.

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Alawites was executed by the Syrian government in Damascus on 12 December 1946, only three days after a political trial.

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Alawites faced significant danger during the Syrian Civil War; particularly from Islamic groups who were a part of the opposition, though often denied by secular oppositionists.

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Alawites tend to conceal their beliefs due to historical persecution.

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Alawites hold that they were originally stars or divine lights that were cast out of heaven through disobedience and must undergo repeated reincarnation before returning to heaven.

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Alawites have traditionally lived in the Coastal Mountain Range, along the Mediterranean coast of Syria.

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Those Alawites are concentrated in the Latakia region of Syria, extending north to Antioch, Turkey, and in and around Homs and Hama.

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In Cukurova, Alawites are known as Fellah and Arabusagi by the Sunni population.

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In 1939, the Alawites accounted for some 40 percent of the population of the province of Iskenderun.

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Turkish Alawites traditionally speak the same dialect of Levantine Arabic as Syrian Alawites.

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Alawites are prominent in the sectors of transportation and commerce and a large, professional middle class has emerged.

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However, according to Al-Marsad, Alawites were forced to undergo a process of naturalisation.

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