13 Facts About Alex Glasgow


Alex Glasgow was an English singer-songwriter from Low Fell, Gateshead, England.

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Son of a coal miner, Glasgow was born in Gateshead.

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Alex Glasgow's parents had previously emigrated during the depression in the 1930s to New Zealand and then Sydney in Australia, where his sister Isabelle was born.

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Alex Glasgow was educated at Gateshead Grammar School, where he was a founding member of the Caprians Choir in 1953.

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Alex Glasgow graduated in Languages from University of Leeds and taught in Germany.

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Alex Glasgow met Patricia Wallace, known as "Paddy", at Leeds University in 1955.

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Alex Glasgow left Gateshead and moved to Fremantle, Western Australia with his family in 1981.

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The press reported that Alex Glasgow suffered from arthritis and Australia's climate was expected to give him some relief.

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Alex Glasgow spent his last years there and died aged 65 on 14 May 2001, after a long battle with early-onset dementia.

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Alex Glasgow wrote his own songs, not all political, and earlier in his career sang versions of other popular Geordie folk and socialist political tunes and some of the best of these can be found on albums such as Songs of and Now and Then.

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Alex Glasgow is well-remembered for the song cycle "The Tyne Slides By" written in the 1970s for the BBC series The Camera and the Song.

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Alex Glasgow was a writer and radio and television broadcaster; he presented the BBC 2 arts programme New Release in 1967, among other series.

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Alex Glasgow was a long-time friend and collaborator of the playwright and actor Henry Livings with whom he starred in a 1971 comedy sketch series for BBC2, Get The Drift, based on their stage show, The Northern Drift.

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