11 Facts About Ambrose Philips


Ambrose Philips was an English poet and politician.

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Ambrose Philips was born in Shropshire of a Leicestershire family.

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Ambrose Philips was educated at Shrewsbury School and St John's College, Cambridge, of which he became a fellow in 1699.

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Ambrose Philips seems to have lived chiefly at Cambridge until he resigned his fellowship in 1708, and his pastorals were probably written in this period.

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Ambrose Philips worked for Jacob Tonson the bookseller, and his Pastorals opened the sixth volume of Tonson's Miscellanies, which contained the pastorals of Alexander Pope.

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Ambrose Philips was a staunch Whig, and a friend of Richard Steele and Joseph Addison.

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Ambrose Philips is said to have threatened to hit Pope with a rod he kept hung up at Button's coffee house for the purpose.

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Pope lost no opportunity of mocking Ambrose Philips, who figured in the Bathos and the Dunciad, as Macer in the Characters; and in the instructions to a porter how to find Edmund Curll's authors, Ambrose Philips is a Pindaric writer in red stockings.

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In 1718, Ambrose Philips started a Whig paper, The Free-Thinker, in conjunction with Hugh Boulter, then vicar of St Olave's, Southwark.

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Ambrose Philips had been made justice of the peace for Westminster, and in 1717 a commissioner for the lottery, and when Boulter was made Archbishop of Armagh, Ambrose Philips accompanied him as secretary.

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Ambrose Philips's works include an abridgment of Bishop John Hacket's Life of John Williams ; The Thousand and One Days: Persian Tales, from the French of F Petis de la Croix; three plays: The Distrest Mother, an adaptation of Racine's Andromaque; The Briton ; Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester .

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