10 Facts About Huasteca


La Huasteca is a geographical and cultural region located partially along the Gulf of Mexico and including parts of the states of Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Puebla, Hidalgo, San Luis Potosi, Queretaro and Guanajuato.

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One section of the Huasteca is called the Sierra Gorda, which is centered on northern Queretaro, but extends into Hidalgo and Guanajuato.

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The Huasteca Veracruz is the most extensive in the territory, and famous for the variety of its dishes, which in addition to the traditional throughout the region, such as Zacahuil is complemented with fish and seafood typical of the coast Veracruz, the music and sounds together with the costumes are part of it.

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Huasteca Queretana is located in the northwest part of the state and is an extension of the San Joaquin areas of Aguazarca.

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Huasteca poblana is located to the south of the border zone of the Huasteca, and includes, among others, the municipalities of Francisco Z Mena, Pantepec, Venustiano Carranza, Jalpan, Tlaxco, Tlacuilotepec, Xicotepec de Juarez, Pahuatlan and Naupan.

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Huasteca potosina is constituted by 20 municipalities which are: Aquismon, Axtla de Terrazas, Cd.

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Huastec is derived from the Spanish Huasteca which is derived from the Nahuatl word for the ethnicity Kuextlan.

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Huasteca's are the only written, eyewitness descriptions known of the civilization.

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Major development of the 20th century in the Huasteca was the development of roadways and other infrastructure to connect it with the rest of the country.

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The reintegration of the Huasteca is considered a historic debt that it has with the indigenous peoples of the region.

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