16 Facts About Kuomintang


Kuomintang, referred to as the Guomindang or the Chinese Nationalist Party, is a major political party in the Republic of China, initially on the Chinese mainland and in Taiwan after 1949.

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Kuomintang studied in Japan, but he was firmly rooted in his ancient Han Chinese identity and was steeped in Chinese culture.

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Kuomintang believed that to fight against foreign aggression, the KMT must solve its internal conflicts first, so he started his second attempt to exterminate CCP members in 1934.

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In 2005 the Kuomintang displayed a massive photo of the anti-Japanese Aboriginal leader Mona Rudao at its headquarters in honor of the 60th anniversary of Taiwan's retrocession from Japan to the Republic of China.

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Kuomintang was personally angry at the way China was treated by foreigners, mainly by the Soviet Union, Britain, and the United States.

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Kuomintang used his Chinese nationalist credentials to his advantage to keep himself in power.

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Kuomintang defined this principle of saying in his last days "its socialism and its communism".

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Kuomintang divided livelihood into four areas: food, clothing, housing, and transportation; and planned out how an ideal government can take care of these for its people.

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Kuomintang enforced low prices on all goods to raise support from the proletariat.

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Kuomintang's government had a company, Fu Ning Company, which had a monopoly over commerce and industry in Ningxia.

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The Kuomintang were defeated in the mainland and escaped in exile to Taiwan while the rest of mainland China became Communist in 1949.

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On 28 February 1947, the Kuomintang cracked down on an anti-government uprising in Taiwan known as the February 28 incident and the government began the White Terror in Taiwan in order to purge communist spies and prevent Chinese communist subversion.

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The ROC government under the Kuomintang actively supported anti-communist efforts in Southeast Asia and around the world.

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The Kuomintang continued to be anti-communist during the period of Chiang Chin-kuo.

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Today, the Kuomintang continues to view the Republic of China as the free, democratic and legitimate China.

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Kuomintang wanted to destroy the feudal government in Lhasa, in addition to modernizing and secularizing Tibetan society.

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