17 Facts About Liangzhu culture


Liangzhu culture was the last Neolithic jade culture in the Yangtze River Delta of China.

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The culture was highly stratified, as jade, silk, ivory and lacquer artifacts were found exclusively in elite burials, while pottery was more commonly found in the burial plots of poorer individuals.

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The Liangzhu culture was extremely influential and its sphere of influence reached as far north as Shanxi and as far south as Guangdong.

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The primary Liangzhu culture site was perhaps among the oldest Neolithic sites in East Asia that would be considered a state society.

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The type site at Liangzhu culture was discovered in Yuhang County, Zhejiang and initially excavated by Shi Xingeng in 1936.

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Culture possessed advanced agriLiangzhu culture, including irrigation, paddy rice cultivation and aquaLiangzhu culture.

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The Liangzhu culture city-site is said to have been settled and developed with a specific purpose in mind since this area has very few remains that can be traced back to earlier periods.

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The Liangzhu culture is said to have been more socially developed and complex than northern contemporaries in the Han Valley.

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Inhabitants of Liangzhu culture sites used artifact designs of "bent knee" shaped adze handles, stone untangled adzes, art styles emphasizing the use of spirals and circles, cord-marking of pottery, pottery pedestals with cut-out decorations, baked clay spindle whorls, slate reaping knives and spear points.

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Some Liangzhu culture pottery is reminiscent of the Shandong Longshan black "eggshell" style, however most differed and were a soft-fired gray with a black or red slip.

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Similarities between Liangchengzhen, the largest Dawenkou site, pottery making process and that of the Liangzhu were noted, which led researchers to believe there was communication between the two cultures.

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The inhabitants of Liangzhu culture, using these tools, worked corundum into ceremonial axes.

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Jade from this Liangzhu culture is characterized by finely worked large ritual jades, commonly incised with the taotie motif.

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Liangzhu "ancient city" or Liangzhu site-complex controlled the best jade products, but less important centers produced elite crafts, which lead researchers to believe the Liangzhu culture was not a simple pyramid structure society in terms of status levels.

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The Liangzhu culture did not seem to be importers of jade, even though they did export it extensively.

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Neolithic altar from the Liangzhu culture, excavated at Yaoshan in Zhejiang, demonstrates that religious structures were elaborate and made of carefully positioned piles of stones and rock walls: this indicates that religion was of considerable importance.

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The Liangzhu culture existed in coastal areas around the mouth of the Yangtze.

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