22 Facts About Solomon Kane


Solomon Kane is a fictional character created by the pulp-era writer Robert E Howard.

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Solomon Kane's adventures, published mostly in the pulp magazine Weird Tales, often take him from Europe to the jungles of Africa and back.

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Solomon Kane is dressed entirely in black and his weaponry usually consists of a rapier, a dirk, and a brace of flintlock pistols.

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In France, Solomon Kane finds a girl attacked by a gang of brigands led by a villain known as le Loup.

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In England, Solomon Kane is on his way to the hamlet of Torkertown, and must choose one of two paths, a route that leads through a moor or one that leads through a swamp.

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Solomon Kane is warned that the moor route is haunted and all travelers who take that road die, so he decides to investigate.

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In Germany Solomon Kane meets a traveler named Gaston L'Armon, who seems familiar to Solomon Kane, and together they take rooms in the Cleft Skull Tavern.

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Solomon Kane goes to Africa on the trail of an English girl named Marylin Taferal, kidnapped from her home and sold to Barbary pirates by her cousin.

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Wherein Solomon Kane speaks out against Sir Francis Drake, objecting to his execution of Sir Thomas Doughty in 1578 Patagonia, South America.

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Staff of Solomon is an ancient staff that N'Longa presented to Kane to aid him in his adventures.

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When Solomon Kane is taken prisoner by slavers, one of their party, "Yussef the Hadji", recognizes the staff for what it is.

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Solomon Kane says the staff is older than the world itself and holds mighty magic.

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Solomon Kane is an ancient African shaman, who is driven to study magic.

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Solomon Kane has travelled the world in ancient times as a slave, secretly studying under various sorcerers and holy men of the Middle and Near East.

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Solomon Kane can take over the bodies of the living and dead through this method, to communicate with Solomon Kane through the Staff of Solomon, and summons the vultures by sending his spirit to parley with them.

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Solomon Kane is a tall, rangy, broad-shouldered man, with a lean hawk-like cruel face.

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Solomon Kane hunted him for two years after Hardraker sank a ship that was carrying the daughter of an old friend of Kane, the old friend having gone mad after hearing of his daughter's death.

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Solomon Kane finally confronted and killed Hardraker in England where Hardraker was smuggling alcohol with Sir George Banway.

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Mythic Games has developed a narrative adventure board game simply titled Solomon Kane based on Robert E Howard's original stories and characters.

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In Philip Jose Farmer's Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life, Farmer identifies Solomon Kane as being a direct ancestor of adventurer Doc Savage.

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Paul Di Filippo's "Observable Things", as narrated by a young Cotton Mather, tells of Solomon Kane coming to the aid of the colonists in New England during King Philip's War.

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Howard's stories, poems, and fragments featuring Solomon Kane have been published several times as a collection in book form.

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