18 Facts About Waste management


Waste management is produced by human activity, for example, the extraction and processing of raw materials.

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Waste management is intended to reduce adverse effects of waste on human health, the environment, planetary resources and aesthetics.

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Aim of waste management is to reduce the dangerous effects of such waste on the environment and human health.

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Waste management practices are not uniform among countries ; regions, and residential and industrial sectors can all take different approaches.

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Measures of waste management include measures for integrated techno-economic mechanisms of a circular economy, effective disposal facilities, export and import control and optimal sustainable design of products that are produced.

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Waste hierarchy refers to the "3 Rs" Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, which classifies waste management strategies according to their desirability in terms of waste minimisation.

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Waste management collected is then transported to an appropriate disposal facility.

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Waste management is collected by the city council only if it is put in government issued rubbish bags.

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World Bank finances and advises on solid waste management projects using a diverse suite of products and services, including traditional loans, results-based financing, development policy financing, and technical advisory.

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The intention of biological processing in waste management is to control and accelerate the natural process of decomposition of organic matter.

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An important method of waste management is the prevention of waste material being created, known as waste reduction.

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Waste management Minimization is reducing the quantity of hazardous wastes achieved through a thorough application of innovative or alternative procedures.

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World Bank Report What a Waste: A Global Review of Solid Waste Management, describes the amount of solid waste produced in a given country.

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Waste management in these countries and cities is an ongoing challenge due to weak institutions, chronic under-resourcing and rapid urbanization.

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In developing countries, waste management activities are usually carried by poor, for their survival.

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Participation level of most citizens in waste management is very low, residents in urban areas are not actively involved in the process of waste management.

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Traditionally, the waste management industry has been a late adopter of new technologies such as RFID tags, GPS and integrated software packages which enable better quality data to be collected without the use of estimation or manual data entry.

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Waste management policy in the United Kingdom is a responsibility of the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs .

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