16 Facts About Andrea Beaumont


Andrea Beaumont, known as the Phantasm, is a fictional DC Entertainment supervillain and antiheroine created by Alan Burnett and Paul Dini, and designed by Bruce Timm.

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Andrea Beaumont has made occasional appearances in various DCAU Batman media in her Phantasm guise, often as a freelance assassin working with Amanda Waller.

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The fact that Andrea Beaumont is revealed as the main villain in a plot twist is a convention of the femme fatale stock character.

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Andrea Beaumont is the daughter of financier Carl Beaumont and his late wife Victoria.

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The lukewarm success and growing love for Andrea Beaumont brings Bruce to the conclusion to abandon crime-fighting - instead pledging part of his inheritance to the Gotham City Police Department - so he can marry Andrea Beaumont.

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Andrea Beaumont discovers that her father is in business with the Mafia, and set up dummy corporations for some of the most powerful mob bosses in Gotham: Chuckie Sol, Sal Valestra, and Buzz Bronski.

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When returning from food shopping, Andrea Beaumont passes by the hitman, who gives her a nonchalant look and moves on, in fear and distress she tries to tell him her father paid them back only for him to ignore it.

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Andrea Beaumont goes inside, then screams at seeing her murdered father.

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Andrea Beaumont quickly flees, but Andrea notices and immediately guesses his secret identity.

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Valestra, now in failing health, appeals to Reeves for protection from Batman, pointing how in addition to paying him off for selling out Carl Andrea Beaumont he provided Reeves with inside information such as blackmail on his political enemies, but Reeves rebuffs Valestra as a has-been.

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Andrea Beaumont reappears and explains that "one way or another, it ends tonight".

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However, Andrea Beaumont survives and leaves a locket for Bruce in the Batcave as a keepsake.

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In 2004's Batman Adventures: Shadows and Masks, Andrea Beaumont goes undercover in Black Mask's organization, the False Face Society.

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Andrea Beaumont argues that the murder would defile the Batman legacy by breaking Bruce's paramount rule: to never take a life.

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Andrea Beaumont's sentiments are conveyed through Waller's monologue recounting the event.

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Andrea Beaumont is charged with killing Jake before Terry learns of Jake's guilt, in an effort to remove any temptation for Terry to attempt the same.

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