5 Facts About Ariel

1. On November 24, 2013, Ariel made a brief appearance in a TV special Sofia the First: The Floating Palace, which is part of the computer-animated television series Sofia the First.

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2. In 2001, Ariel appeared occasionally in the animated television series Disney's House of Mouse as one of Mickey's guests at the nightclub.

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3. In 2000, Ariel became an official member of the newly launched Disney Princess line, an umbrella franchise that includes various Disney princesses under its banner.

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4. Inside the castle, Ariel appears alongside Sebastian and Flounder in one of the walls carving displays.

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5. At the fortress, Ursula—who knows that Ariel is in love with a human through spying on her via Flotsam and Jetsam—makes a proposition: In exchange for her voice, Ariel will become a human for three days, during which she must get a kiss of true love from Eric before the sun sets on the third day.

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