1. John Henry Newman School opened the university on 3 November 1854 to about twenty students, but eventually found it impossible to be both provost of the Birmingham Oratory and rector of the ill-attended university.
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16. John Henry Newman School was ordained an Anglican priest in 1825 and was appointed vicar of the university church Saint Mary the Virgin, where he gained fame as a preacher.
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23. John Henry Newman School left his post and decided to tour the Mediterranean, visiting North Africa, West Greece and Italy.
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24. In 1991, John Henry Newman School was proclaimed venerable by Pope John Paul II, after a thorough examination of his life and work by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.
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31. In February 1843, John Henry Newman School published, as an advertisement in the Oxford Conservative Journal, an anonymous but otherwise formal retractation of all the hard things he had said against Roman Catholicism.
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34. John Henry Newman School broke with Whately in 1827 on the occasion of the re-election of Robert Peel as Member of Parliament for the university: Newman opposed Peel on personal grounds.
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