13 Facts About Robert Kates


Robert W Kates was an American geographer and independent scholar in Trenton, Maine, and University Professor at Brown University.

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Robert Kates had a chance encounter with a naturalist in a state park in Indiana when on vacation with his family, and this meeting inspired him to train to become an elementary school teacher, a job he thought would free up summer vacations for the family.

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White gave him some key texts to read, Kates returned to discuss them, White recognized his abilities and steered him through an MA and eventually a PhD in Geography.

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Robert Kates taught at the Graduate School of Geography, Clark University from 1962 until 1987.

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Robert Kates worked in Africa with Clark colleagues, and developed and directed a resource assessment centre at the University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.

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Robert Kates helped to establish the international Initiative for Science and Technology for Sustainability, was Executive Editor of Environment magazine for many years, and was a Senior Associate at Harvard University.

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Robert Kates retired relatively early, became an 'independent scholar' and moved to Trenton, Maine overlooking the Narrows in the early 1990s.

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Robert Kates remained professionally active until his mid 80s and in 2008, was appointed the inaugural Presidential Professor of Sustainability Science at the University of Maine, Orono.

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Robert Kates's research focused on long-term trends in environment, development, and population, and he is particularly known for his work on natural hazards mitigation, driven by a Quaker belief in relevance to human society.

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Robert Kates's approach was to set up "natural" experiments, and then to develop a set of comparative observations or analogs.

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Robert Kates was awarded honorary DSc degrees from Clark University for his many contributions to hazards research and from the University of Maine.

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Humans cannot "adapt" or, in Robert Kates's language, "adjust" successfully to hazards when a population is highly vulnerable or even exploited.

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Robert Kates generally chose not to respond openly to his critics.

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