6 Facts About UN Security Council

1. The UN Security Council requested that the Secretary-General report in 30 days, and monthly thereafter, on progress in meeting these demands, and declared its intention to consider further actions, ‘including measures as provided for in Article 41 of the Charter’.

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2. On December 3, 1992, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 794 to allow the US military to enter Somalia to protect the food and medical supplies that were being shipped to the starving but were being looted by armed gangs.

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3. The UN Security Council assumed a central role in the application of the Genocide Convention—it provides the measure of international enforcement outlined in the treaty.

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4. The UN Security Council has blocked consideration of the issue of Russia on the situation in the Kerch Strait.

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5. The UN Security Council condemned the attacks, saying terrorist attacks threaten international peace and security.

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6. The UN Security Council exercised this power for the first time in March 2005, when it referred to the Court "the situation prevailing in Darfur since 1 July 2002"; since Sudan is not a party to the Rome Statute, the Court could not otherwise have exercised jurisdiction.

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