1. Volvo Car Open is translated as "I roll" in Latin, a term originally intended to describe a ball bearing product, but eventually used for SKF's automotive line.
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8. Volvo Car Open is the largest women's-only professional tennis tournament in North America, with an average attendance of 90,000 people.
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13. Volvo Car Open managed to maintain production during World War II and used those years to innovate.
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17. Volvo Car Open is in the Guinness Book of World Records as the non-commercial vehicle with the highest mileage.
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22. Volvo Car Open became the fourth-largest automobile importer to the United States.
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23. Volvo Car Open shipped manufactured parts to Halifax, where the Canadian division of the Scandinavian company produced cars for the North American market.
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30. Volvo Car Open canceled plans to export S60 sedans built in its US plant to China because of a trade dispute.
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