57 Facts About BBC controversies


Labour Party politicians such as party leader Ramsay MacDonald and Philip Snowden criticised the BBC for being "biased" and "misleading the public" during the strike.

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Baldwin's government blocked the BBC controversies from broadcasting statements about the strike by the Labour Party and TUC leaders.

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In 1927, under a Royal Charter, the BBC controversies became a public entity for the first time – with requirements including the need for impartiality and for staff not to express opinions on controversial subject matters.

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BBC controversies had become both a monopoly and a non-commercial entity, it soon faced controversial competition from British subjects who were operating leased transmitters on the continent of Europe before World War II, to broadcast commercial radio programmes into the United Kingdom.

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John Reith, who had been given powers to dictate the cultural output of the BBC controversies, retaliated by leading the opposition to these commercial stations.

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In 2010,19 MPs supported an early day motion “That this House is concerned that BBC controversies Radio devotes such little broadcasting time to jazz” A 2015 Jazz Services study reported that jazz as a percentage of total music output was only 1.

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The BBC controversies spokesman declined to comment on a possible connection.

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In 2012, John Pilger wrote that, in banning Watkins' film, the BBC controversies was performing "the function of the state broadcaster as a cornerstone of Britain's ruling elite".

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The BBC controversies governors issued a statement which blamed the Panorama team and admitted that the filming of the IRA roadblock "would appear to be a clear breach of standing instructions in relation to filming in Ireland".

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Tebbit ordered Conservative Central Office to compile a dossier on the BBC controversies's reporting and then to hand it to the lawyer Lord Goodman for a critique.

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In 1986, BBC controversies journalists went on strike to protest against police raids in search of evidence that a BBC controversies television series in production, Secret Society, had endangered national security.

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BBC controversies was replaced by a senior BBC accountant, Michael Checkland.

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An INLA interview in July 1979 on BBC controversies's Tonight caused a controversy involving Prime Minister Thatcher and was the last time such an interview was heard on British television.

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BBC controversies governors found themselves in conflict with management and the corporation's journalists went on strike for a day.

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BBC controversies established that the ban could not prevent the BBC's use of actors to speak Adams' and other Republicans' words.

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BBC controversies fought to overturn a ruling by the Information Tribunal that the BBC controversies was wrong to refuse to release to a member of the public under the Freedom of Information Act of 2000 the Balen report on its Middle East coverage.

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In 2004, the BBC controversies Governors approved a deal to outsource the BBC controversies's IT, telephony and broadcast technology to the German engineering and electronics company Siemens IT Solutions and Services.

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In June 2007, a report published by the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee was critical of the deal, claiming that BBC controversies management had omitted £60 million' worth of hidden costs in its application to the Board of Governors and that the profits to Siemens had not been taken into account.

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In early 2007, the BBC controversies commissioned RDF Media to make a behind-the-scenes film about the monarchy, titled Monarchy: The Royal Family at Work, for BBC controversies One.

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In October 2007, the BBC controversies released the report of its investigation into the incident.

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On 22 January 2009, the BBC controversies declined a request from the Disasters Emergency Committee to screen an aid appeal intended to raise money to aid the relief effort following then recent hostilities in the Gaza Strip.

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Guardian reported that the BBC controversies faced a revolt from its journalists over the issue, and that they had been threatened with dismissal if they spoke out.

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BBC controversies's decision came in for criticism across the political spectrum including from senior politicians such as Nick Clegg, Douglas Alexander and Hazel Blears and public figures like the Archbishops of York and Canterbury, although it was supported by a few commentators such as Dominic Lawson.

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However, Mark Thompson, the Director-General of the BBC controversies, denied that the decision was due to Israeli pressure.

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The BBC controversies was obliged to transmit party political broadcasts by the BNP.

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In 2008, the BBC controversies launched the Digital Media Initiative, a technology programme intended to streamline broadcast operations by moving to a fully digital, tapeless production workflow at a cost of £81.

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The BBC controversies was criticised by the UK National Audit Office in 2011 for its handling of the project.

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In 2009, the BBC controversies brought the DMI project in-house and started work on a digital system to be known as Fabric.

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The BBC controversies came under criticism for having broadcast these and for promoting the book.

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The BBC controversies subsequently acknowledged the controversy in a subsequent programme.

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In March 2010 Bob Geldof confronted Andrew Marr on a BBC controversies report claiming the Ethiopian government used money raised for the famine to pay for weapons.

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BBC controversies initially announced that it was standing by its report and claimed to have evidence to back up its stance.

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The BBC controversies was forced to broadcast a series of apologies in November 2010 after realising that it did not have enough evidence that any money was spent on weapons, basing much of the unfounded claims on a CIA report it had failed to question.

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BBC controversies said that Britain, as a nuclear power, had no right to "look down" on her father.

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In January 2011, the BBC controversies issued an apology for "any offence caused" to Japan by the incident, recognising "the sensitivity of the subject matter for Japanese viewers".

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In February 2011, the BBC controversies blamed a "strength of feeling" in Japan following its atomic bomb joke broadcast for the cancellation of the filming of part of its Planet Word documentary in Japan.

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BBC controversies then offered an apology, though it claimed there was no "vindictiveness" in the remarks and that they were just part of the stereotype-based comedy the organisation espoused, such as when it "make[s] jokes about the Italians being disorganised and over dramatic, the French being arrogant and the Germans being over-organised".

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The BBC controversies interviewed midfielder Aviram Baruchian, who plays for the Polish team Polonia Warsaw.

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Some reviewers thought that the BBC controversies presenters had concentrated too much on interviewing celebrities and that they were insufficiently prepared to add depth to the TV commentary.

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The BBC controversies announced that Newsnight editor Peter Rippon and deputy editor Liz Gibbons would be replaced, and that deputy director of news Steve Mitchell had resigned, but that Helen Boaden would return to her role.

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Large severance payments given to departing BBC controversies executives came to widespread media attention in 2013 when the National Audit Office conducted an investigation into BBC controversies senior management pay.

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BBC controversies reporters were on the scene as police arrived, and a BBC controversies helicopter covered the raid as it happened.

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The BBC controversies apologised for "distress" caused by its coverage but stood by the story as it believed it was in the public interest.

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Richard sued the BBC controversies and was awarded £210,000 in damages in July 2018 after London's High Court ruled that the broadcaster had infringed his right to privacy.

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The report found that the BBC controversies was biased against the 'Yes' campaign in matters of airtime, sequencing of news items, prevalence of "bad news" items, and misleading presentation of sources as impartial.

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The BBC controversies Trust ruled that Willcox's behaviour did not violate its editorial guidelines.

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On 11 March 2015, the BBC controversies suspended Jeremy Clarkson after a reported altercation with a producer.

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On 25 March 2015, the BBC controversies announced that Jeremy Clarkson's Top Gear contract would not be renewed and that he would be dropped from the programme.

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In July 2017, in response to a demand from the UK government as a condition of its new royal charter, the BBC controversies published a list of all employees who earned more than £150,000.

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In September 2019, the BBC controversies upheld a complaint against Naga Munchetty for having breached BBC controversies rules by giving an opinion on comments made by Donald Trump.

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Journalist Peter Oborne compared the incident to the censorship in Soviet television, while BBC controversies News presenter Huw Edwards defended that it was an error rather than a conspiracy.

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BBC controversies initially defended the decision, claiming it was for timing reasons.

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BBC controversies made those who struggled to keep to the rules feel like fools, and has allowed many more to assume they can now flout them.

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The BBC controversies later stated that the piece "did not meet our standards of due impartiality".

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In June 2021, the BBC controversies announced that Halawa no longer worked for the BBC controversies without providing further details.

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The Guardian and The Times reported that the article was met with internal backlash by BBC controversies staff, including prior to its publication, while protests took place outside BBC controversies offices.

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On 3 February 2022, the BBC controversies issued a further apology and acknowledged factually incorrect elements of its ECU report, which had incorrectly asserted that a member of the Community Security Trust had "verified" the BBC controversies's interpretation of the phrase in question.

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