Vietnam War was a conflict in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from 1 November 1955 to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975.
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North Vietnam War was supported by the Soviet Union, China, and other communist allies; South Vietnam War was supported by the United States and other anti-communist allies.
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North Vietnam War had invaded Laos in 1958 in support of insurgents, establishing the Ho Chi Minh Trail to supply and reinforce the Viet Cong.
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In 1969, North Vietnam declared a Provisional Revolutionary Government in the south to give the reduced VC a more international stature, but from then on, they were sidelined as PAVN forces began more conventional combined arms warfare.
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Once in power, the Khmer Rouge carried out the Cambodian genocide, while conflict between them and the unified Vietnam began almost immediately with a series of border raids, eventually escalating into the Cambodian–Vietnamese War, which toppled the Khmer Rouge government in 1979.
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Primary military organizations involved in the war were the United States Armed Forces and the Army of the Republic of Vietnam, pitted against the People's Army of Vietnam (commonly called the North Vietnamese Army, or NVA, in English-language sources) and the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam (NLF, more commonly known as the Viet Cong (VC) in English language sources), a South Vietnamese communist guerrilla force.
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The outbreak of the Korean Vietnam War in June 1950 convinced many Washington policymakers that the war in Indochina was an example of communist expansionism directed by the Soviet Union.
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Nixon, a so-called "hawk" on Vietnam War, suggested that the United States might have to "put American boys in".
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The United States said, "With respect to the statement made by the representative of the State of Vietnam War, the United States reiterates its traditional position that peoples are entitled to determine their own future and that it will not join in any arrangement which would hinder this".
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Three days later, he declared South Vietnam War to be an independent state under the name Republic of Vietnam War, with himself as president.
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Vietnam War instituted the death penalty against any activity deemed communist in August 1956.
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In December 1960, North Vietnam War formally created the Viet Cong with the intent of uniting all anti-GVN insurgents, including non-communists.
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Vietnam War was determined to "draw a line in the sand" and prevent a communist victory in Vietnam.
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Vietnam War told James Reston of The New York Times immediately after his Vienna summit meeting with Khrushchev, "Now we have a problem making our power credible and Vietnam looks like the place.
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Kennedy's policy toward South Vietnam assumed that Diem and his forces had to ultimately defeat the guerrillas on their own.
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Vietnam War was against the deployment of American combat troops and observed that "to introduce U S forces in large numbers there today, while it might have an initially favorable military impact, would almost certainly lead to adverse political and, in the long run, adverse military consequences.
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Vietnam War seemed concerned only with fending off coups and had become more paranoid after attempts in 1960 and 1962, which he partly attributed to U S encouragement.
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On 21 August 1963, the ARVN Special Forces of Colonel Le Quang Tung, loyal to Diem's younger brother Ngo Ðinh Nhu, raided pagodas across Vietnam War, causing widespread damage and destruction and leaving a death toll estimated to range into the hundreds.
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South Vietnam War entered a period of extreme political instability, as one military government toppled another in quick succession.
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Some have argued that the policy of North Vietnam War was not to topple other non-communist governments in South East Asia.
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Vietnam War said, "I am convinced that U S troops with their energy, mobility, and firepower can successfully take the fight to the NLF".
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Meanwhile, the political situation in South Vietnam War began to stabilise with the coming to power of prime minister Air Marshal Nguyen Cao Ky and figurehead chief of state, General Nguyen Van Thieu, in mid-1965 at the head of a military junta.
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Vietnam War reasoned that this could be achieved through sparking a general uprising within the towns and cities, along with mass defections among ARVN units, who were on holiday leave during the truce period.
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Refusal to send more U S troops to Vietnam was seen as Johnson's admission that the war was lost.
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Vietnam War was a major political issue during the United States presidential election in 1968.
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President Thieu demanded changes to the peace accord upon its discovery, and when North Vietnam War went public with the agreement's details, the Nixon administration claimed they were attempting to embarrass the president.
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North Vietnam War was allowed to continue supplying troops in the South but only to the extent of replacing expended material.
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Vietnam War argued that with two months of good weather remaining until the onset of the monsoon, it would be irresponsible to not take advantage of the situation.
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Early opposition to U S involvement in Vietnam drew its inspiration from the Geneva Conference of 1954.
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High-profile opposition to the Vietnam War increasingly turned to mass protests in an effort to shift U S public opinion.
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In 1950, the People's Republic of China extended diplomatic recognition to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and sent heavy weapons, as well as military advisers led by Luo Guibo to assist the Viet Minh in its war with the French.
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When Vietnam War responded with an invasion that toppled the Khmer Rouge, China launched a brief, punitive invasion of Vietnam War in 1979.
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From July 1965 to the end of 1974, fighting in Vietnam War was observed by some 6, 500 officers and generals, as well as more than 4, 500 soldiers and sergeants of the Soviet Armed Forces.
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The Vietnam War entry in The Canadian Encyclopedia asserts that Canada's record on the truce commissions was a pro-Saigon partisan one.
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Brazil, under a U S -backed military regime, officially supported the United States' position in South Vietnam and contributed a medical team and supplies to the country.
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In 1968, the Vietnam War Crimes Working Group was established by the Pentagon task force set up in the wake of the My Lai Massacre, to attempt to ascertain the veracity of emerging claims of war crimes by U S armed forces in Vietnam, during the Vietnam War period.
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Vietnam War crimes reported to military authorities, sworn statements by witnesses and status reports indicated that 320 incidents had a factual basis.
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North Vietnam War was known for its abusive treatment of American POWs, most notably in Hoa Lo Prison, where torture was employed to extract confessions.
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Vietnam War was the first conflict where U S forces had secure voice communication equipment available at the tactical level.
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We thought that we were going into another Korean Vietnam War, but this was a different country.
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Vietnam War veterans suffered from PTSD in unprecedented numbers, as many as 15.
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In 2012, the United States and Vietnam War began a cooperative cleaning up of the toxic chemical on part of Danang International Airport, marking the first time Washington has been involved in cleaning up Agent Orange in Vietnam War.
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Military forces of South Vietnam War suffered an estimated 254, 256 killed between 1960 and 1974 and additional deaths from 1954 to 1959 and in 1975.
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Vietnam War has been featured extensively in television, film, video games, music and literature in the participant countries.
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Myths play a central role in the historiography of the Vietnam War, and have become a part of the culture of the United States.
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