35 Facts About Ayman Al-Zawahiri


Ayman Al-Zawahiri became a leading figure in the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, an Egyptian Islamist organization, and eventually attained the rank of emir.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri was imprisoned from 1981 to 1984 for his role in the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri was wanted by the United States and the United Nations, respectively, for his role in the 1998 US embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania and in the 2002 Bali bombings.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri merged the Egyptian Islamic Jihad with al-Qaeda in 2001 and formally became bin Laden's deputy in 2004.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri succeeded bin Laden as al-Qaeda's leader after bin Laden's death in 2011.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri has a maternal link to the house of Saud: Muna, the daughter of Azzam Pasha, is married to Mohammed bin Faisal Al Saud, the son of the late King Faisal.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri has a younger brother, Muhammad al-Zawahiri, and a twin sister, Heba Mohamed al-Zawahiri.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri was arrested in the UAE in 1999, and sentenced to death in 1999 after being extradited to Egypt.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri was held in Tora Prison in Cairo as a political detainee.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri's lawyer said he had been held to extract information about his brother Ayman al-Zawahiri.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri became both quite pious and political, under the influence of his uncle Mahfouz Azzam, and lecturer Mostafa Kamel Wasfi.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri is known to have written a leaflet explaining women's role in jihad.

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In 1981, Ayman al-Zawahiri traveled to Peshawar, Pakistan, where he worked in a Red Crescent hospital treating wounded refugees.

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In 1981, Ayman Al-Zawahiri was one of hundreds arrested following the assassination of President Anwar Sadat.

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In July 2007, Ayman Al-Zawahiri supplied direction for the Lal Masjid siege, codename Operation Silence.

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In 1998, Ayman al-Zawahiri was listed as under indictment in the United States for his role in the 1998 US embassy bombings: a series of attacks on August 7,1998, in which hundreds of people were killed in simultaneous truck bomb explosions at the United States embassies in the major East African cities of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri began reconstituting the Egyptian Islamic Jihad along with other exiled militants.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri carried two false passports, a Swiss one in the name of Amin Uthman and a Dutch one in the name of Mohmud Hifnawi.

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Former FBI agent Ali Soufan mentioned in his book The Black Banners that Ayman al-Zawahiri is suspected of ordering Azzam's assassination in 1989.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri was often described as a "lieutenant" to Osama bin Laden, though bin Laden's chosen biographer has referred to him as the "real brains" of al-Qaeda.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri was placed under international sanctions in 1999 by the United Nations' Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee as a member of the Salafi-jihadist group al-Qaeda.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri was active in operational planning and in driving tactical decisions within al-Qaeda.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri became the leader of al-Qaeda following the May 2,2011 killing of Osama bin Laden.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri allegedly worked with the Islamic Republic of Iran on behalf of al-Qaeda.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri offered Iran information about an Egyptian government plan to storm several islands in the Persian Gulf that both Iran and the United Arab Emirates lay claim to.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri is believed to have smuggled $3000 to them, which was later confiscated, and to have given them a letter which the Russians didn't bother to translate.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri was convicted of dealing in weapons and received a three-year sentence, which he completed in 1984, shortly after his conviction.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri learned of a "Nonviolence Initiative" organized in Egypt to end the terror campaign that had killed hundreds and resulting government crackdown that had imprisoned thousands.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri angrily opposed this "surrender" in letters to the London newspaper Al-Sharq al-Awsat.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri blamed the police for the killing, but held the tourists responsible for their own deaths for coming to Egypt,.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri was sentenced to death in absentia in 1999 by an Egyptian military tribunal.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri called for the institution of Sharia law in Egypt and questioned the views of then-President of Egypt Mohamed Morsi.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri's death is considered to be the biggest hit to the terrorist group since Osama Bin Laden was killed in 2011.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri said in an April 2008 interview that the group does not have women combatants and that a woman's role is limited to caring for the homes and children of al-Qaeda fighters.

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri was killed on July 31,2022, shortly after 6:00 AM local time in an early-morning drone strike conducted by the US Central Intelligence Agency in the upscale Sherpur neighborhood of Kabul, reportedly in a house owned by a top aide to Sirajuddin Haqqani, a senior official in the Taliban government.

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