11 Facts About War novel


War novel or military fiction is a novel about war.

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War novel's origins are in the epic poetry of the classical and medieval periods, especially Homer's The Iliad, Virgil's The Aeneid, sagas like the Old English Beowulf, and Arthurian literature.

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Shakespeare's Henry V, which focuses on events immediately before and after the Battle of Agincourt during the Hundred Years' War novel, provides a model for how the history, tactics, and ethics of war could be combined in an essentially fictional framework.

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War novel came of age during the nineteenth century, with works like Stendhal's The Charterhouse of Parma, which features the Battle of Waterloo, Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace, about the Napoleonic Wars in Russia, and Stephen Crane's The Red Badge of Courage, which deals with the American Civil War.

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Novels about World War I appeared less in the 1930s, though during this decade historical novels about earlier wars became popular.

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Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind, which recalls the American Civil War novel, is an example of works of this trend.

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War novel served as a secret agent under the name Peter John Rule and helped the resistance movement in China, Burma and French Indochina.

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The novel was conceived at a time when the "Spanish Civil War was a major topic of public debate" and completed on 24 December 1939, a few months after World War II had begun.

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Graham Greene's The Quiet American was the first novel to explore the origins of the Vietnam war in the French colonial atmosphere of the 1950s.

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The Sorrow of War novel by Bao Ninh is a poignant account of the war from the Vietnamese perspective.

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Ian McEwan's novels Black Dogs and Atonement take a similarly retrospective approach to World War II, including such events as the British retreat from Dunkirk in 1940 and the Nazi invasion of France.

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