68 Facts About Majapahit


Majapahit, known as Wilwatikta was a Javanese Hindu-Buddhist thalassocratic empire in Southeast Asia that was based on the island of Java .

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Majapahit's achievement is credited to his prime minister, Gajah Mada.

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Majapahit was one of the last major Hindu-Buddhist empires of the region and is considered to be one of the greatest and most powerful empires in the history of Indonesia and Southeast Asia.

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The name originally referred to the area in and around Trowulan, the cradle of Majapahit, which was linked to the establishment of a village in Tarik timberland by Raden Wijaya.

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Majapahit is known by other names: Wilwatikta, although sometimes the natives refer to their kingdom as Bhumi Jawa or Mandala Jawa instead.

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Little physical evidence of Majapahit remains, and some details of the history are rather abstract.

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Majapahit did produce physical evidence: the main ruins dating from the Majapahit period are clustered in the Trowulan area, which was the royal capital of the kingdom.

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Chinese historical sources on Majapahit mainly acquired from the chronicles of the Yuan and following Ming dynasty.

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The Chinese accounts on Majapahit are mainly owed to the Ming admiral Zheng He's reports during the his visit to Majapahit between 1405 and 1432.

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Recent archaeological findings from April 2011 indicate the Majapahit capital was much larger than previously believed after some artefacts were uncovered.

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Majapahit then opened the vast timberland and built a new settlement there.

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The village was named Majapahit, which was taken from the name of a fruit that had a bitter taste .

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Majapahit took a Sumatran Malay Dharmasraya princess named Dara Petak as his wife.

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Majapahit mentioned Java to be well-populated and filled with cloves, nutmeg and many other spices.

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Majapahit mentioned that the king of Java had seven vassals under him and engaged in several wars with the "khan of Cathay".

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Under the initiative of her able and ambitious prime minister, Gajah Mada, Majapahit sent its armada to conquer the neighbouring island of Bali.

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Majapahit's abdicated the throne in favour of her son, Hayam Wuruk.

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Under Gajah Mada's command, Majapahit conquered more territories and became the regional power.

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The direct administration of Majapahit did not extend beyond east Java and Bali, but challenges to Majapahit's claim to overlordship in outer islands drew forceful responses.

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Majapahit invited China to resume the tributary system, just like Srivijaya did several centuries earlier.

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Subsequently, in 1377, a few years after the death of Gajah Mada, Majapahit sent a punitive naval attack against a rebellion in Palembang, contributing to the end of the Srivijayan successor kingdom.

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About the time Majapahit was founded, Muslim traders and proselytisers began entering the area.

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Previously, Majapahit had succeeded in asserting its influence in Malacca strait by containing the aspiration of Malay polities in Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula to ever reach the geopolitical might like those of Srivijaya.

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The Hindu Majapahit was the most powerful maritime power in Southeast Asian seas that time and were opposed to Chinese expansion into their sphere of influence.

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Majapahit's was the second child of Wikramawardhana by a concubine who was the daughter of Wirabhumi.

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Majapahit's was married to future Kelantan king Iskandar Shah or Kemas Jiwa in 1427.

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Reign of Suhita was the second time Majapahit was reigned by a queen regnant after her great grandmother Tribhuwana Wijayatunggadewi.

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Army of Majapahit is divided into 2 main types, namely prajurit and levy taken up from peasants.

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The exact number of jong fielded by Majapahit is unknown, but the largest number of jong deployed in an expedition is about 400 jongs when Majapahit attacked Pasai.

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Besides that, other types of vessels used by Majapahit navy are malangbang, kelulus, pelang, jongkong, cerucuh, and tongkang.

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Research by Nugroho concluded that the main vessels used by Majapahit did not use outriggers, and using Borobudur engraving as the basis for reconstructing Majapahit ship is wrong.

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Majapahit's territories were roughly divided into three types: the palace and its vicinity; the areas of east Java and Bali which were directly administered by officials appointed by the king; and the outer dependencies which enjoyed substantial internal autonomy.

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Majapahit was sent by the Pope to launch a mission into the Asian interiors.

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Majapahit then headed to Nicobar island to Sumatra, before visiting Java and Banjarmasin.

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Majapahit returned to Italy by land through Vietnam, China, all the way through the silkroad to Europe in 1330.

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Majapahit said that king of Java ruled over seven other kings .

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Majapahit mentioned that in this island was found a lot of clove, cubeb, nutmeg and many other spices.

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Majapahit mentioned that the King of Java had an impressive, grand, and luxurious palace.

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Majapahit recorded that the Mongol emperors had repeatedly tried to attack Java, but always ended up in failure and managed to be sent back to the mainland.

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Majapahit describes his travel to Majapahit capital, first, he arrived at the port of Tu-pan where he saw large numbers of Chinese settlers migrated from Guangdong and Chou Chang.

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Majapahit describes the king's costumes; wearing a crown of gold leaves and flowers or sometimes without any headgear; bare-chested without wearing a robe, the bottom parts wears two sashes of embroidered silk.

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Majapahit describes a class of artisans that draws various images on paper and give a theatrical performance.

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Literature of Majapahit was the continuation of Javanese Kawi Hindu-Buddhist scholarly tradition that produces kakawin poem that has been developed in Java since the 9th century Medang Mataram era, all the way through Kadiri and Singhasari periods.

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Majapahit art was the continuation of East Javanese art, style and aesthetically developed since the 11th century during the Kediri and Singhasari period.

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Statues of Hindu gods and Buddhist deities in Majapahit art were the continuations of its previous Singhasari art.

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Examples of Majapahit statues are the Harihara statue from Simping temple, believed to be the deified portrayal of King Kertarajasa, the statue of Parwati believed to be the portrayal of Queen Tribhuwana, and a statue of the queen Suhita discovered at Jebuk, Kalangbret, Tulungagung, East Java.

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The shapes of Majapahit temples tend to be slender and tall, with a roof constructed from multiple parts of stepped sections formed a combined roof structure curved upward smoothly creating the perspective illussion that the temple is perceived taller than its actual height.

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The example of Majapahit temples are Brahu temple in Trowulan, Pari in Sidoarjo, Jabung in Probolinggo, and Surawana temple near Kediri.

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The Majapahit Empire had trading links with Chinese Ming dynasty, Ðai Viet and Champa in today Vietnam, Cambodia, Siamese Ayutthayan, Burmese Martaban and the south Indian Vijayanagara Empire.

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When Majapahit entered the thalassocracy imperial phase during the administration of Gajah Mada, several overseas vassal states were included within the Majapahit sphere of influence, as a result, the new larger territorial concept was defined:.

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True nature of Majapahit suzerainty is still a subject of study and even has sparked controversy.

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Question whether Majapahit is considered an empire or not is actually depends on the definition of the word and concept of "empire" itself.

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Majapahit did not performed direct administration of its overseas possessions, they did not maintain permanent military occupation, and did not imposes its political and cultural norms over a wide area; thus it is not sufficiently considered an empire in a traditional sense.

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Since early of its formation, Majapahit inherited the foreign outlook of its predecessor entity – Singhasari kingdom, in which its last king Kertanegara projected his influence abroad by launching Pamalayu expedition to incorporate Malay polities in Sumatra and Malay Peninsula within Javanese sphere of influence.

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Majapahit was sent to led Majapahit military expansion to conquer east coast region in Sumatra.

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In Sumatran front, Majapahit did capture Palembang, Jambi and Dharmasraya, invade Pasai, and it saw the settlement of Tumasik, that later become Kingdom of Singapura, as its rebellious colony, and thus deal with them accordingly.

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In later years after the era of Hayam Wuruk, Majapahit has lost their grips on some of their overseas possessions.

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Previously Majapahit tried to contain the rise of a potential regional rival; a Malay polity in par with Srivijaya, by punishing a rebellion in Palembang and capturing Singapura.

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Majapahit was the largest empire ever to form in Southeast Asia.

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The chronicle described that the Majapahit invasion was a punishment for Sultan Ahmad Malik Az-Zahir's crime on ruining a royal marriage between Pasai Prince Tun Abdul Jalil and Raden Galuh Gemerencang, a Majapahit princess — that led to the death of the royal couple.

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Majapahit had a momentous and lasting influence on Indonesian art and architecture.

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The Javanese Hindu civilisation since the era of Airlangga to the era of Majapahit kings has profoundly influenced and shaped the Balinese culture and history.

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The ancient links and Majapahit legacy is observable in many ways; architecture, literature, religious rituals, dance-drama and artforms.

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In weaponry, the Majapahit expansion is believed to be responsible for the widespread use of the keris dagger in Southeast Asia; from Java, Bali, Sumatra, Malaysia, Brunei to Southern Thailand.

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Indonesian founding fathers—especially Sukarno and Mohammad Yamin, built a historical construct around Majapahit to argue for the ancient unified realm, as a predecessor of modern Indonesia.

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Pura Kawitan Majapahit was built in 1995 as a homage to honour the empire that inspires the nation.

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Majapahit is often regarded as the antecedent of the modern state of Indonesia.

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Rulers of Majapahit was the dynastic continuity of the Singhasari kings, which started by Sri Ranggah Rajasa, the founder of Rajasa dynasty in the late 13th century.

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