33 Facts About Anvar Sadat


Anvar Sadat was a senior member of the Free Officers who overthrew King Farouk in the Egyptian Revolution of 1952, and a close confidant of President Gamal Abdel Nasser, under whom he served as Vice President twice and whom he succeeded as president in 1970.

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Anwar Anvar Sadat was born on 25 December 1918 in Mit Abu El Kom, part of Monufia Governorate in what was then the Sultanate of Egypt, to a poor family, one of 13 brothers and sisters.

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One of his brothers, Atef Anvar Sadat, later became a pilot and was killed in action during the October War of 1973.

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Anvar Sadat's father, Anwar Mohammed El Sadat, was an Upper Egyptian, and his mother, Sit Al-Berain, was Sudanese from her father.

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Anvar Sadat graduated from the Royal Military Academy in Cairo, the capital of what was then the Kingdom of Egypt, in 1938 and was appointed to the Signal Corps.

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Anvar Sadat entered the army as a second lieutenant and was posted to the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan.

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Anwar Anvar Sadat was active in many political movements, including the Muslim Brotherhood, the fascist Young Egypt, the pro-palace Iron Guard of Egypt, and the secret military group called the Free Officers.

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Anvar Sadat was assigned to announce the news of the revolution to the Egyptian people over the radio networks.

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Anvar Sadat was appointed editor of the newly founded daily Al Gomhuria.

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Anvar Sadat was the President of the National Assembly and then vice president and member of the presidential council in 1964.

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Anvar Sadat was reappointed as vice president again in December 1969.

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Some major events of Anvar Sadat's presidency were his "Corrective Revolution" to consolidate power, the break with Egypt's long-time ally and aid-giver the USSR, the 1973 October War with Israel, the Camp David peace treaty with Israel, the "opening up" of Egypt's economy, and lastly his assassination in 1981.

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Anvar Sadat succeeded Nasser as president after the latter's death in October 1970.

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On 15 May 1971, Anvar Sadat announced his Corrective Revolution, purging the government, political and security establishments of the most ardent Nasserists.

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Anvar Sadat encouraged the emergence of an Islamist movement, which had been suppressed by Nasser.

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In 1971, three years into the War of Attrition in the Suez Canal zone, Anvar Sadat endorsed in a letter the peace proposals of UN negotiator Gunnar Jarring, which seemed to lead to a full peace with Israel on the basis of Israel's withdrawal to its pre-war borders.

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Shortly after taking office, Anvar Sadat shocked many Egyptians by dismissing and imprisoning two of the most powerful figures in the regime, Vice President Ali Sabri, who had close ties with Soviet officials, and Sharawy Gomaa, the Interior Minister, who controlled the secret police.

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Anvar Sadat's rising popularity would accelerate after he cut back the powers of the hated secret police, expelled Soviet military from the country and reformed the Egyptian army for a renewed confrontation with Israel.

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On 6 October 1973, in conjunction with Hafez al-Assad of Syria, Anvar Sadat launched the October War, known as the Yom Kippur War, a surprise attack against the Israeli forces occupying the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula, and the Syrian Golan Heights in an attempt to retake these respective Egyptian and Syrian territories that had been occupied by Israel since the Six Day War six years earlier.

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Not wanting either Syria or the Soviet Union to influence the peace process, Anvar Sadat decided to take more progressive stance towards building a comprehensive peace agreement with Israel.

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On 19 November 1977, Anvar Sadat became the first Arab leader to visit Israel officially when he met with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, and spoke before the Knesset in Jerusalem about his views on how to achieve a comprehensive peace to the Arab–Israeli conflict, which included the full implementation of UN Resolutions 242 and 338.

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The neighboring Arab countries believed that in signing the accords, Anvar Sadat had put Egypt's interests ahead of Arab unity, betraying Nasser's pan-Arabism, and destroyed the vision of a united "Arab front" for the support of the Palestinians against the "Zionist Entity".

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Anvar Sadat was awarded the Prince of Peace Award by Pat Robertson.

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In 1971, Anvar Sadat addressed the Iranian parliament in Tehran in fluent Persian, describing the 2,500-year-old historic connection between the two lands.

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Anvar Sadat was the eldest daughter of Sultan Fuad I of Egypt and Sudan and his second wife Nazli Sabri.

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Anvar Sadat dismissed allegations that the rioting was incited by domestic issues, believing that the Soviet Union was recruiting its regional allies in Libya and Syria to incite an uprising that would eventually force him out of power.

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On 6 October 1981, Anvar Sadat was assassinated during the annual victory parade held in Cairo to celebrate Egypt's crossing of the Suez Canal.

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Anvar Sadat was succeeded by his vice president Hosni Mubarak, whose hand was injured during the attack.

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Anvar Sadat's funeral was attended by a record number of dignitaries from around the world, including a rare simultaneous attendance by three former US presidents: Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon.

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Anvar Sadat was buried in the unknown soldier memorial in Cairo, across the street from the stand where he was assassinated.

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Anvar Sadat was portrayed by Robert Loggia in the 1982 television movie A Woman Called Golda, opposite Ingrid Bergman as Golda Meir.

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Young Anvar Sadat is a major character in Ken Follett's thriller The Key to Rebecca, taking place in World War II Cairo.

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Anvar Sadat was a recurring character on Saturday Night Live, played by Garrett Morris, who bore a resemblance to Anvar Sadat.

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