140 Facts About Steve Bannon


Stephen Kevin Bannon was born on November 27,1953 and is an American media executive, political strategist, and former investment banker.


Steve Bannon served as the White House's chief strategist in the administration of US president Donald Trump during the first seven months of Trump's term.


Steve Bannon is a former executive chairman of Breitbart News and previously served on the board of the now-defunct data-analytics firm Cambridge Analytica.


Steve Bannon was an officer in the United States Navy for seven years in the late 1970s and early 1980s.


Steve Bannon became an executive producer in Hollywood, producing 18 films between 1991 and 2016.


In 2016, Steve Bannon became the chief executive officer of Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and was appointed chief strategist and senior counselor to the president following Trump's election.


Steve Bannon left the position eight months later and rejoined Breitbart.


In January 2018, Steve Bannon was disavowed by Trump for critical comments reported in the book Fire and Fury, and left Breitbart.


Steve Bannon had declared his intention to become "the infrastructure, globally, for the global populist movement".


On January 20,2021, on his last day in office, Trump pardoned Steve Bannon, sparing him from a federal trial.


Federal pardons do not cover state offenses, and in September 2022, Steve Bannon was charged in New York state court on counts of fraud, money laundering, and conspiracy in connection to the "We Build The Wall" campaign.


Steve Bannon was held in contempt of Congress in October 2021 after he refused to comply with a subpoena issued by the Select Committee on the January 6 Attack, the US House of Representatives committee investigating the 2021 United States Capitol attack.


Steve Bannon was indicted by a federal grand jury on two criminal charges of contempt of Congress.


Steve Bannon was sentenced on October 21,2022, to four months in prison and a $6,500 fine.


Steve Bannon is appealing his conviction and sentence, and his sentence was put on hold pending the appeal.


Steve Bannon grew up in a working-class family that was pro-Kennedy and pro-union Democrat.


Steve Bannon graduated from Benedictine College Preparatory, a private, Catholic, military high school in Richmond, Virginia, in 1971, and then attended Virginia Tech, where he served as the president of the student government association.


In 1985, Steve Bannon earned a Master of Business Administration degree with honors from Harvard Business School.


In 1980, Steve Bannon was deployed to the Persian Gulf to assist with Operation Eagle Claw during the Iran hostage crisis.


Steve Bannon stayed at this position with Goldman in Los Angeles for two years, and left with the title of vice president.


Steve Bannon negotiated a sale of Castle Rock to Turner Broadcasting System, which was owned by Ted Turner at the time.


Steve Bannon still receives cash residuals each time Seinfeld is aired.


Steve Bannon produced 18 films, from Sean Penn's drama The Indian Runner to Julie Taymor's film Titus.


Steve Bannon became a partner with entertainment industry executive Jeff Kwatinetz at film and television management company The Firm, Inc.


In 2004, Steve Bannon made a documentary about Ronald Reagan titled In the Face of Evil.


Steve Bannon was involved in the financing and production of a number of films, including Fire from the Heartland: The Awakening of the Conservative Woman, The Undefeated, and Occupy Unmasked.


Steve Bannon persuaded Goldman Sachs to invest, in 2006, in a company known as Internet Gaming Entertainment.


From 2007 through 2011, Steve Bannon was the chair and CEO of Affinity Media.


In 2007, Steve Bannon wrote an eight-page treatment for a new documentary called Destroying the Great Satan: The Rise of Islamic Facism in America.


Steve Bannon was a founding member of the board of Breitbart News, a far-right news, opinion and commentary website.


Steve Bannon said that Breitbart's ideological mix included libertarians, Zionists, the conservative gay community, same-sex marriage opponents, economic nationalists, populists, as well as the alt-right, with the alt-right comprising a very small proportion overall.


In March 2012, after founder Andrew Breitbart's death, Steve Bannon became executive chairman of Breitbart News LLC, the parent company of Breitbart News.


In 2016, Steve Bannon declared the website "the platform for the alt-right".


Steve Bannon hosted a radio show on the SiriusXM Patriot satellite radio channel.


In 2005, Steve Bannon secured $60 million in funding from Goldman Sachs and other investors for IGE, a company based in Hong Kong that employed "low-wage Chinese workers" to play World of Warcraft, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game, in order to earn gold in-game that could be traded for virtual items, which could then be sold to players of the video game for real-world money.


Since 2019, Bannon has hosted Bannon's War Room on Robert J Sigg's Real America's Voice television network, podcast platforms, and on the radio.


Steve Bannon was executive chair and co-founder of the Government Accountability Institute, a tax-exempt 501 organization where he helped orchestrate the publication of Breitbart News senior Editor-at-large Peter Schweizer's book Clinton Cash, from its founding in 2012 until his departure in August 2016.


Steve Bannon served as vice president of the board of Cambridge Analytica, a data-analytics firm owned largely by the Mercer family, who co-owns Breitbart News; the firm allegedly used illegal tactics to target American voters in the 2016 election.


Steve Bannon was paid more than $125,000 for his work at Cambride Analytica.


In 2017, Steve Bannon founded the Movement, a populist organization which frequently promotes right wing populist groups in Europe which are against the EU government and political system in Europe.


The group is known for its opposition to George Soros's Open Society Foundations, Steve Bannon has referred to Soros as "evil but brilliant".


Steve Bannon left Breitbart, as well as the Government Accountability Institute and Cambridge Analytica, to take the job.


Alan Dershowitz at first defended Steve Bannon, saying there was no evidence he was antisemitic, but then in a later piece stated that Steve Bannon had made bigoted statements against Muslims, women, and others.


The letter stated that appointing Steve Bannon "sends a disturbing message about what kind of president Donald Trump wants to be", because his "ties to the White Nationalist movement have been well documented"; it went on to present several examples of Breitbart Newss alleged xenophobia.


In 2018, Michael Lewis published a quote ascribed to Steve Bannon, made while the transition team for Trump was supposed to be preparing for the next administration, and The Guardian used it twice in the title of an excerpt from the 2018 Lewis book The Fifth Risk.


In February 2017, Steve Bannon appeared on the cover of Time, on which he was labeled "the Great Manipulator".


Steve Bannon allegedly did this by leaking information to the alternative media, including alt-right writer Mike Cernovich.


Steve Bannon reportedly opposed his removal from the council and threatened to quit if President Trump went forward with it, although Republican megadonor Rebekah Mercer urged him to stay.


The White House said Steve Bannon had not attempted to leave, and Steve Bannon said any indication that he threatened resignation was "total nonsense".


Steve Bannon was interviewed multiple times by Robert Mueller as part of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 United States presidential election.


Steve Bannon was reportedly interviewed about Roger Stone's contact with Wikileaks.


In November 2019, Steve Bannon gave evidence in the federal criminal trial of Roger Stone.


Steve Bannon did not voluntarily testify; rather, he was compelled to give evidence under subpoena.


Steve Bannon testified that Stone was WikiLeaks' access point for the Trump campaign; the testimony helped establish that Stone lied to Congress.


The book quoted Steve Bannon as saying that Ivanka Trump was "as dumb as a brick"; that the meeting among Donald Trump Jr.


Steve Bannon warned that investigators would likely uncover money laundering involving Jared Kushner and his family business loans from Deutsche Bank.


In January 2018, after excerpts from Fire and Fury were published, Trump promptly disavowed Steve Bannon, saying that Steve Bannon "lost his mind" when he left the White House, and attacking him in multiple angry statements.


Trump asserted in a tweet that Bannon had "cried when he got fired and begged for his job" and publicly referred to Bannon with an unflattering nickname in reference to Bannon's disheveled appearance.


On January 7,2018, Steve Bannon expressed regret over his delayed response, declared his "unwavering" support for Trump and his agenda, and praised Donald Trump Jr.


Steve Bannon said his remarks about the campaign meeting were aimed at Manafort instead of Trump Jr.


In 2018, Steve Bannon released a pro-Trump documentary, Trump @War through his production company, Victory Films; the film aimed to galvanize Trump supporters ahead of the 2018 elections in a bid to keep a Republican majority in the House.


In October 2019, Steve Bannon began co-hosting War Room: Impeachment, a daily radio show and podcast in which he offered advice to the Trump administration and its allies on how to counter the impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump.


Steve Bannon stated he was not fired but rather submitted his two-week resignation notice on August 4,2017.


Steve Bannon reminded The Weekly Standard that he had joined then-presidential candidate Trump's campaign on August 14,2016, and said he'd "always planned on spending one year," but that he stayed a few more days due to the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.


Several weeks after his departure it was reported that Trump still called Steve Bannon using his personal cell phone, and was only calling when chief of staff Kelly was not around.


The Washington Post reported in October 2017 that Trump and Steve Bannon remained in regular contact.


Steve Bannon has made efforts to unseat incumbent Republican members of Congress he deemed to be insufficiently supportive of Trump's agenda.


In October 2017, Steve Bannon said he planned to sponsor primary challenges against six of the seven incumbent Republican senators in the 2018 elections.


Steve Bannon said he had two requirements for a candidate to earn his support: they must pledge to vote against Mitch McConnell as Senate majority leader and to end the Senate filibuster.


Steve Bannon used his group Citizens of the American Republic to aide him in his efforts to help keep Republican control of the House of Representatives in the 2018 election.


Steve Bannon received credit for helping Roy Moore defeat incumbent senator Luther Strange in the September Republican primary for the 2017 special Alabama Senate election, despite Trump's having endorsed Strange.


The Atlantic cited a number of factors inhibiting Steve Bannon's project, including differing national and ideological views among the European far right and US-skeptical views held by some parties of the European extreme right.


In March 2019, Steve Bannon met with both Bolsonaros in Washington, DC.


In October 2017, after leaving the White House, Steve Bannon met exiled Chinese billionaire businessman Guo Wengui, and the pair cultivated a friendship, frequently meeting in Dallas, at Guo's apartment at the Sherry-Netherland in New York, and on Guo's yacht.


Steve Bannon made the flights under the auspices of his dark money group, Citizens of the American Republic.


Shapiro recalled Steve Bannon yelling and cursing at people at Breitbart News.


Several employees who left Breitbart alleged that when they attempted to find employment outside of Breitbart, Steve Bannon attempted to sabotage them.


However, other employees praised Steve Bannon's leadership describing him as a generous, loyal, caring, and supportive.


Steve Bannon probably leaked and lied about me more than everyone else combined.


Steve Bannon worked with Ehud Barak and attorney Reid Weingarten to attempt to reform Epstein's public image.


Later reports showed Steve Bannon reportedly prepped Epstein for an interview with 60 minutes that ultimately never occurred.


Steve Bannon confirmed that he did tape 15 hours of interviews with Epstein, though denied that he was coaching him for further interviews and that the footage was for an unannounced documentary on Epstein.


Steve Bannon was charged with misdemeanor domestic violence, battery, and dissuading a witness in early January 1996 after his then-wife, Mary Piccard, accused Steve Bannon of domestic abuse.


Federal prosecutors of the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York allege that Steve Bannon, United States Air Force veteran Brian Kolfage and the two other defendants used funds received from the We Build the Wall fundraising campaign, marketed to support the building of a border wall between the US and Mexico, in a way which was "inconsistent" with how they were advertised for use to the public.


Steve Bannon promoted the project until the day before the indictment, saying "You've been the leader of this, assisting President Trump in building this wall in these tough areas" in his War Room: Pandemic podcast.


Prosecutors alleged that Steve Bannon received more than $1 million in connection with the plan, some of which was paid to Kolfage in secret and some of which Steve Bannon and two other defendants allegedly used for personal expenses ranging from paying off credit cards to personal travel.


Steve Bannon was arrested by US postal inspectors on Long Island Sound, off the coast of Connecticut, on board People's Republic of China expatriate Guo Wengui's luxury yacht.


Later that day, Steve Bannon pleaded not guilty to the charges.


Steve Bannon was released pending trial on a $5 million bond, of which Steve Bannon was required to put up $1.7 million.


Steve Bannon was required to surrender his passport and his domestic travel was restricted.


Federal pardons only cover federal offenses, so Trump's pardon of Steve Bannon did not preclude state charges against him.


Steve Bannon said that he and Trump would not "stop fighting" and that "they will have to kill me first".


On September 23,2021, the US House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack subpoenaed Steve Bannon, ordering him to appear on October 14.


Steve Bannon's lawyers gave the committee advance notice that he would not comply.


Steve Bannon was indicted by a federal grand jury on November 12,2021, on two criminal contempt charges: one count of not providing documents, one count of not testifying.


Steve Bannon was represented by criminal defense attorney David Schoen.


Steve Bannon was released pending trial, without bail, but on conditions, including keeping authorities informed of his whereabouts, and not leaving the country.


Steve Bannon declined to call witnesses or testify in his own defense.


On October 21,2022, Judge Nichols sentenced Steve Bannon to serve four months in prison and pay a $6,500 fine.


On November 4,2022, Steve Bannon appealed his conviction and sentence; he remained free pending appeal, with his sentence being put on hold.


Steve Bannon said that if it were up to him, after beheading Fauci and Wray, "I'd put the heads on pikes" and display them outside the White House "as a warning to bureaucrats" who dared oppose Trump.


The next day, Steve Bannon was dropped by a lawyer who had been defending him against federal charges of fraud.


Steve Bannon is a Reaganite and has described himself as a populist.


Steve Bannon has referred to himself as a "proud Christian Zionist" in reference to his support of Israel.


Steve Bannon has been described as a white nationalist, but rejects the description.


Steve Bannon generally believes in reducing the size of the federal bureaucracy, declaring at the Conservative Political Action Conference he favored the "deconstruction of the administrative state".


Steve Bannon was a strong opponent of the Paris climate agreement during his time in the Trump administration, he successfully persuaded Donald Trump to withdraw from it.


Steve Bannon favors reducing immigration, both legal and illegal immigration, to the US and asserts that immigration threatens national sovereignty.


Steve Bannon often describes himself as an economic nationalist, criticizing crony capitalism, Austrian economics, and the objectivist capitalism of Ayn Rand.


Steve Bannon favors raising federal income taxes to 44 percent for those earning incomes over $5 million a year as a way to pay for middle class tax cuts.


In 2014, during a conference at the Vatican, Steve Bannon criticized Wall Street for its role in the 2008 financial crisis.


Steve Bannon has criticized bail outs for big banks and is angered by the fact that Wall Street banks have not been held accountable for the financial crisis, which he says fueled populist fury and groups such as the Tea Party.


Steve Bannon is generally skeptical of military intervention abroad, opposing proposals for the expansion of US involvement in the War in Afghanistan, the Syrian Civil War, and the crisis in Venezuela.


Steve Bannon believes "there is no military solution" to the 2017 North Korea crisis.


Steve Bannon has referred to himself as a "proud Christian Zionist" in reference to his support of Israel.


Steve Bannon reportedly spoke often with Trump donor Sheldon Adelson, and was alarmed at a push for a renewed Middle East peace process.


Steve Bannon has described Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas as a "terrorist".


Steve Bannon has advocated giving the land in the West Bank to Jordan and in Gaza to Egypt.


Steve Bannon has defended Trump's ties to and praise for Russian president Vladimir Putin.


Steve Bannon expressed a belief that traditionalists see Russia as an ally.


In 2018, Steve Bannon announced plans to launch a new political operation beginning with an attempt to unite populist parties across Europe before the 2019 European Parliament election.


Later that year, Steve Bannon formed a foundation called The Movement to connect far-right groups throughout Europe.


Steve Bannon is supportive of European right-wing populist national conservative movements such as the Hungarian Fidesz, the French National Front, the Spanish Vox, the Dutch Party for Freedom, Alternative for Germany, the Italian Northern League, the Freedom Party of Austria, the Sweden Democrats, the Danish People's Party, the Flemish Vlaams Belang and the New Flemish Alliance, the Polish Law and Justice, and the Swiss People's Party.


Steve Bannon criticized George W Bush for calling Islam a religion of peace.


Steve Bannon has said that "Islam" today is "something much darker" than Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.


Steve Bannon is reputed to believe Putin's Russia and Trump's America are Christian allies against the Islamic State and "radical Islamic terrorism".


Steve Bannon sees transhumanism as a dangerous and radical religion of "the technocratic elite".


Steve Bannon accuses tech entrepreneurs of using "transhumanistic science" to control humanity and eradicate religion through advanced gene editing, robotics, and forced microscopic implants.


Steve Bannon has accused transhumanists of wanting eternal life at the expense of disregarding people's religious beliefs.


Steve Bannon rejects allegations that he is a white nationalist.


At a party congress in March 2018, Steve Bannon gave members of the French right-wing populist National Front what has been described as a "populist pep talk".


Steve Bannon was influenced by Fourth Turning theory, outlined in Neil Howe's and William Strauss's The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy, one of Steve Bannon's favorite books.


Steve Bannon has cited the Russian neo-fascist Alexander Dugin, who promotes a Russian nationalist variant of traditionalism called Eurasianism, and described himself as a fan of Dugin's book, The Fourth Political Theory.


However, Steve Bannon has urged Dugin to abandon his anti-American and Sinophile views.


Steve Bannon has described Brazilian traditionalist thinker Olavo de Carvalho as "one of the great conservative intellectuals in the world".


Steve Bannon has repeatedly referenced the controversial French novel The Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspail, which depicts Third World immigration destroying Western civilization.


Steve Bannon has embraced what BBC News describes as Savitri Devi's "account of history as a cyclical battle between good and evil".


Steve Bannon had amazing fashion sense, right, that whole thing with the uniforms.


Steve Bannon has expressed admiration for German Conservative Revolutionary philosopher Martin Heidegger, praising his "ideas on the subject of being".


Steve Bannon has been a producer, writer, director or actor on the following films and documentaries:.