78 Facts About Randolph Hearst


Randolph Hearst entered the publishing business in 1887 with Mitchell Trubitt after being given control of The San Francisco Examiner by his wealthy father, Senator George Randolph Hearst.

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Randolph Hearst acquired more newspapers and created a chain that numbered nearly 30 papers in major American cities at its peak.

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Randolph Hearst later expanded to magazines, creating the largest newspaper and magazine business in the world.

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Randolph Hearst controlled the editorial positions and coverage of political news in all his papers and magazines, and thereby often published his personal views.

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Randolph Hearst was twice elected as a Democrat to the US House of Representatives.

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Randolph Hearst ran unsuccessfully for President of the United States in 1904, Mayor of New York City in 1905 and 1909, and for Governor of New York in 1906.

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Randolph Hearst was at once a militant nationalist, a staunch anti-communist after the Russian Revolution, and deeply suspicious of the League of Nations and of the British, French, Japanese, and Russians.

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Randolph Hearst's publication reached a peak circulation of 20 million readers a day in the mid-1930s.

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Randolph Hearst poorly managed finances and was so deeply in debt during the Great Depression that most of his assets had to be liquidated in the late 1930s.

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Randolph Hearst served as a US Senator, first appointed for a brief period in 1886 and was then elected later that year.

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Randolph Hearst was appointed as the first woman Regent of University of California, Berkeley, donated funds to establish libraries at several universities, funded many anthropological expeditions, and founded the Phoebe A Hearst Museum of Anthropology.

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Randolph Hearst attended preparatory school at St Paul's School in Concord, New Hampshire.

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Randolph Hearst's antics had ranged from sponsoring massive beer parties in Harvard Square to sending pudding pots used as chamber pots to his professors.

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Early in his career at the San Francisco Examiner, Randolph Hearst envisioned running a large newspaper chain and "always knew that his dream of a nation-spanning, multi-paper news operation was impossible without a triumph in New York".

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In 1895, with the financial support of his widowed mother, Randolph Hearst bought the failing New York Morning Journal, hiring writers such as Stephen Crane and Julian Hawthorne and entering into a head-to-head circulation war with Joseph Pulitzer, owner and publisher of the New York World.

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When Randolph Hearst purchased the "penny paper", so called because its copies sold for a penny apiece, the Journal was competing with New York's 16 other major dailies.

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Randolph Hearst imported his best managers from the San Francisco Examiner and "quickly established himself as the most attractive employer" among New York newspapers.

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Randolph Hearst was seen as generous, paid more than his competitors, and gave credit to his writers with page-one bylines.

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Randolph Hearst's Journal used the same recipe for success, forcing Pulitzer to drop the price of the World from two cents to a penny.

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Randolph Hearst probably lost several million dollars in his first three years as publisher of the Journal, but the paper began turning a profit after it ended its fight with the World.

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Kenneth Whyte says that most editors of the time "believed their papers should speak with one voice on political matters"; by contrast, in New York, Randolph Hearst "helped to usher in the multi-perspective approach we identify with the modern op-ed page".

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Randolph Hearst fought hard against Wilsonian internationalism, the League of Nations, and the World Court, thereby appealing to an isolationist audience.

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Randolph Hearst was personally dedicated to the cause of the Cuban rebels, and the Journal did some of the most important and courageous reporting on the conflict—as well as some of the most sensationalized.

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Randolph Hearst sailed to Cuba with a small army of Journal reporters to cover the Spanish–American War; they brought along portable printing equipment, which was used to print a single-edition newspaper in Cuba after the fighting had ended.

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In part to aid in his political ambitions, Randolph Hearst opened newspapers in other cities, among them Chicago, Los Angeles and Boston.

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Randolph Hearst used this as an excuse for his mother Phoebe Randolph Hearst to transfer him the necessary start-up funds.

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In 1924, Randolph Hearst opened the New York Daily Mirror, a racy tabloid frankly imitating the New York Daily News.

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Randolph Hearst owned INS companion radio station WINS in New York; King Features Syndicate, which still owns the copyrights of a number of popular comics characters; a film company, Cosmopolitan Productions; extensive New York City real estate; and thousands of acres of land in California and Mexico, along with timber and mining interests inherited from his father.

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Randolph Hearst promoted writers and cartoonists despite the lack of any apparent demand for them by his readers.

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Randolph Hearst's sponsorship was conditional on the trip starting at Lakehurst Naval Air Station, New Jersey.

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Unable to service its existing debts, Randolph Hearst Corporation faced a court-mandated reorganization in 1937.

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From that point, Randolph Hearst was reduced to being an employee, subject to the directives of an outside manager.

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The Randolph Hearst Corporation continues to this day as a large, privately held media conglomerate based in New York City.

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Randolph Hearst won two elections to Congress, then lost a series of elections.

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Randolph Hearst narrowly failed in attempts to become mayor of New York City in both 1905 and 1909 and governor of New York in 1906, nominally remaining a Democrat while creating the Independence Party.

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Randolph Hearst was defeated for the governorship by Charles Evans Hughes.

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Randolph Hearst was on the left wing of the Progressive Movement, speaking on behalf of the working class and denouncing the rich and powerful.

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Randolph Hearst made a major effort to win the 1904 Democratic nomination for president, losing to conservative Alton B Parker.

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An opponent of the British Empire, Randolph Hearst opposed American involvement in the First World War and attacked the formation of the League of Nations.

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Randolph Hearst's newspapers abstained from endorsing any candidate in 1920 and 1924.

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Randolph Hearst warned citizens against the dangers of big government and against unchecked federal power that could infringe on individual rights.

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Randolph Hearst supported FDR in 1932, but then became critical of the New Deal.

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Randolph Hearst broke with FDR in spring 1935 when the president vetoed the Patman Bonus Bill for veterans and tried to enter the World Court.

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Randolph Hearst reached 20 million readers in the mid-1930s, but they included much of the working class which Roosevelt had attracted by three-to-one margins in the 1936 election.

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Duranty, who was widely credited with facilitating the rapprochement with Moscow, dismissed the Randolph Hearst-circulated reports of man-made starvation as a politically motivated "scare story".

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Randolph Hearst interpreted the whole affair as merely an attempt by Hearst to "spoil Soviet-American relations" as part of "an anti-red campaign".

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In 1903, Randolph Hearst married Millicent Veronica Willson, a 21-year-old chorus girl, in New York City.

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Millicent bore him five sons: George Randolph Hearst, born on April 23,1904; William Randolph Hearst Jr.

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Randolph Hearst was active in society and in 1921 created the Free Milk Fund for the poor.

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George Randolph Hearst invested some of his fortune from the Comstock Lode in land.

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Randolph Hearst paid the original grantee Jose de Jesus Pico USD$1 an acre, about twice the current market price.

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Randolph Hearst gradually bought adjoining land until he owned bout 250,000 acres.

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On December 12,1940, Randolph Hearst sold 158,000 acres, including the Rancho Milpitas, to the United States government.

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Randolph Hearst was interested in preserving the uncut, abundant redwood forest, and on November 18,1921, he purchased the land from the tanning company for about $50,000.

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Randolph Hearst established an Arabian horse breeding operation on the grounds.

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Randolph Hearst owned property on the McCloud River in Siskiyou County, in far northern California, called Wyntoon.

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Randolph Hearst's mother took over the project, hired Julia Morgan to finish it as her home, and named it Hacienda del Pozo de Verona.

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Randolph Hearst was renowned for his extensive collection of international art that spanned centuries.

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Randolph Hearst's guests included varied celebrities and politicians, who stayed in rooms furnished with pieces of antique furniture and decorated with artwork by famous artists.

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When Randolph Hearst Castle was donated to the State of California, it was still sufficiently furnished for the whole house to be considered and operated as a museum.

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The Castle was restored by Randolph Hearst, who spent a fortune buying entire rooms from other castles and palaces across the UK and Europe.

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Randolph Hearst built 34 green and white marble bathrooms for the many guest suites in the castle and completed a series of terraced gardens which survive intact today.

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When Randolph Hearst died, the castle was purchased by Antonin Besse II and donated to Atlantic College, an international boarding school founded by Kurt Hahn in 1962, which still uses it.

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Randolph Hearst was particularly interested in the newly emerging technologies relating to aviation and had his first experience of flight in January 1910, in Los Angeles.

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Randolph Hearst sponsored Old Glory as well as the Randolph Hearst Transcontinental Prize.

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Randolph Hearst refused to take effective cost-cutting measures, and instead increased his very expensive art purchases.

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Randolph Hearst had to pay rent for living in his castle at San Simeon.

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Legally Randolph Hearst avoided bankruptcy, although the public generally saw it as such as appraisers went through the tapestries, paintings, furniture, silver, pottery, buildings, autographs, jewelry, and other collectibles.

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The market for art and antiques had not recovered from the depression, so Randolph Hearst made an overall loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

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Randolph Hearst was embarrassed in early 1939 when Time magazine published a feature which revealed he was at risk of defaulting on his mortgage for San Simeon and losing it to his creditor and publishing rival, Harry Chandler.

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Randolph Hearst, after spending much of the war at his estate of Wyntoon, returned to San Simeon full-time in 1945 and resumed building works.

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Randolph Hearst threw himself into philanthropy by donating a great many works to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.

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In 1947, Randolph Hearst left his San Simeon estate to seek medical care, which was unavailable in the remote location.

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Randolph Hearst died in Beverly Hills on August 14,1951, at the age of 88.

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Randolph Hearst was interred in the Hearst family mausoleum at the Cypress Lawn Memorial Park in Colma, California, which his parents had established.

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Randolph Hearst's will established two charitable trusts, the Hearst Foundation and the William Randolph Hearst Foundation.

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Randolph Hearst staunchly supported the Japanese-American internment during WWII and used his media power to demonize Japanese-Americans and to drum up support for the internment of Japanese-Americans.

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Randolph Hearst, enraged at the idea of Citizen Kane being a thinly disguised and very unflattering portrait of him, used his massive influence and resources to prevent the film from being released—all without even having seen it.

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