40 Facts About Renaissance architecture


Renaissance architecture is the European architecture of the period between the early 15th and early 16th centuries in different regions, demonstrating a conscious revival and development of certain elements of ancient Greek and Roman thought and material culture.

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Stylistically, Renaissance architecture followed Gothic architecture and was succeeded by Baroque architecture.

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Space, as an element of Renaissance architecture, was used differently than it was in the Middle Ages.

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Renaissance architecture was hardly a slave to the classical forms and it was his style that was to dominate Italian architecture in the 16th century.

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Renaissance architecture used this in his design for the Piazza del Campidoglio in Rome.

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Venetian Renaissance architecture developed a particularly distinctive character because of local conditions.

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In southern Italy, Renaissance architecture masters were called to Naples by Alfonso V of Aragon after his conquest of the Kingdom of Naples.

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Plans of Renaissance architecture buildings have a square, symmetrical appearance in which proportions are usually based on a module.

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The development of the plan in secular Renaissance architecture was to take place in the 16th century and culminated with the work of Palladio.

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One of the first true Renaissance architecture facades was the Cathedral of Pienza, which has been attributed to the Florentine architect Bernardo Gambarelli with Alberti perhaps having some responsibility in its design as well.

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Renaissance architecture observed that the way one sees regular structures such as the Florence Baptistery and the tiled pavement surrounding it follows a mathematical order – linear perspective.

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New architectural philosophy of the Renaissance architecture is best demonstrated in the churches of San Lorenzo, and Santo Spirito in Florence.

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In 1434 Brunelleschi designed the first Renaissance architecture centrally planned building, Santa Maria degli Angeli of Florence.

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Renaissance architecture went into exile in Venice for a time with his patron.

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Renaissance architecture was one of the first architects to work in the Renaissance style outside Italy, building a palace at Dubrovnik.

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Renaissance architecture has seemingly created three orders out of the three defined rusticated levels, the whole being surmounted by an enormous Roman-style cornice which juts out over the street by 2.

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An aspect of Renaissance architecture humanism was an emphasis of the anatomy of nature, in particular the human form, a science first studied by the Ancient Greeks.

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Renaissance architecture designed a number of buildings, but unlike Brunelleschi, he did not see himself as a builder in a practical sense and so left the supervision of the work to others.

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Renaissance architecture completed the design in 1456 but the work was not finished until 1470.

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The architectural period is known as the "High Renaissance architecture" and coincides with the age of Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raphael.

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Renaissance architecture designed a number of buildings, most of which were finished by others.

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Mannerism in Renaissance architecture was marked by widely diverging tendencies in the work of Michelangelo, Giulio Romano, Baldassare Peruzzi and Andrea Palladio, that led to the Baroque style in which the same architectural vocabulary was used for very different rhetoric.

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Renaissance architecture's Villa Farnesina of 1509 is a very regular monumental cube of two equal stories, the bays being strongly articulated by orders of pilasters.

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Renaissance architecture excelled in each of the fields of painting, sculpture and architecture, and his achievements brought about significant changes in each area.

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Likewise, the style that was to become known as Baroque evolved in Italy in the early 17th century, at about the time that the first fully Renaissance architecture buildings were constructed at Greenwich and Whitehall in England, after a prolonged period of experimentation with Classical motifs applied to local architectural forms, or conversely, the adoption of Renaissance architecture structural forms in the broadest sense with an absence of the formulae that governed their use.

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The spread of the Baroque and its replacement of traditional and more conservative Renaissance architecture was particularly apparent in the building of churches as part of the Counter Reformation.

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Renaissance architecture arrived late in what is today Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, the so-called Baltic States, and did not make a great imprint architecturally.

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The building of the Brotherhood of the Blackheads in Tallinn with a facade designed by Arent Passer, is the only truly Renaissance architecture building in the country that has survived more or less intact.

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Latvian Renaissance architecture was influenced by Polish-Lithuanian and Dutch style, with Mannerism following from Gothic without intermediaries.

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The traditional Gothic Renaissance architecture was considered timeless and therefore able to express the sacredness.

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Renaissance architecture arrived in England during the reign of Elizabeth I, having first spread through the Low countries where among other features it acquired versions of the Dutch gable, and Flemish strapwork in geometric designs adorning the walls.

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Notable German Renaissance architecture architects include Friedrich Sustris, Benedikt Rejt, Abraham van den Blocke, Elias Holl and Hans Krumpper.

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Today, the only completely preserved work of Hungarian Renaissance architecture is the Bakocz Chapel, now part of the Esztergom Basilica.

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Polish Renaissance architecture is divided into three periods:The first period is the so-called "Italian" as most of Renaissance buildings of this time were designed by Italian architects, mainly from Florence, including Francesco Fiorentino and Bartolomeo Berrecci.

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Renaissance architecture that found its way to Scandinavia was influenced by the Flemish architecture, and included high gables and a castle air as demonstrated in the architecture of Frederiksborg Palace.

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Consequently, much of the Neo-Renaissance architecture to be found in the Scandinavian countries is derived from this source.

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In Denmark, Renaissance architecture thrived during the reigns of Frederick II and especially Christian IV.

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In Spain, Renaissance architecture began to be grafted to Gothic forms in the last decades of the 15th century.

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Whereas the Gothic style was perceived by architectural theorists as being the most appropriate style for Church building, the Renaissance architecture palazzo was a good model for urban secular buildings requiring an appearance of dignity and reliability such as banks, gentlemen's clubs and apartment blocks.

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Many of the concepts and forms of Renaissance architecture can be traced through subsequent architectural movements—from Renaissance to High-Renaissance, to Mannerism, to Baroque, to Neo-Classicism, and to Eclecticism.

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