Albert Gore was a representative from Tennessee and from 1985 to 1993 served as a senator from that state.
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Albert Gore was a representative from Tennessee and from 1985 to 1993 served as a senator from that state.
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Albert Gore is a partner in the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins, heading its climate change solutions group.
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Albert Gore has served as a visiting professor at Middle Tennessee State University, Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, Fisk University and the University of California, Los Angeles.
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Albert Gore served on the Board of Directors of World Resources Institute.
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Albert Gore was the subject of the Academy Award winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth in 2006, as well as its 2017 sequel An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power.
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Albert Gore was the captain of the football team, threw discus for the track and field team and participated in basketball, art, and government.
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Albert Gore graduated 25th in a class of 51, applied to one college, Harvard University, and was accepted.
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Albert Gore enrolled in Harvard College in 1965; he initially planned to major in English and write novels but later decided to major in government.
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Albert Gore was an avid reader who fell in love with scientific and mathematical theories, but he did not do well in science classes and avoided taking math.
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Albert Gore was against that war, but he disagreed with the tactics of the student protest movement.
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Albert Gore thought that it was silly and juvenile to use a private university as a venue to vent anger at the war.
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Albert Gore eventually decided that enlisting in the Army would be the best course between serving his country, his personal values and interests.
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Albert Gore has said that his other reason for enlisting was that he did not want someone with fewer options than him to go in his place.
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Actor Tommy Lee Jones, a former college housemate, recalled Albert Gore saying that "if he found a fancy way of not going, someone else would have to go in his place".
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Albert Gore was stationed with the 20th Engineer Brigade in Bien Hoa and was a journalist with The Castle Courier.
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Albert Gore received an honorable discharge from the Army in May 1971.
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Albert Gore later said he went there in order to explore "spiritual issues", and that "he had hoped to make sense of the social injustices that seemed to challenge his religious beliefs".
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In 1971, Albert Gore began to work the night shift for The Tennessean as an investigative reporter.
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Albert Gore's decision to become an attorney was a partial result of his time as a journalist, as he realized that, while he could expose corruption, he could not change it.
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Albert Gore spent many weekends in Tennessee, working with his constituents.
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Tipper Albert Gore held a job in The Tennesseans photo lab and was working on a master's degree in psychology, but she joined in her husband's campaign .
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Albert Gore won the 1976 Democratic primary for the district with "32 percent of the vote, three percentage points more than his nearest rival", and was opposed only by an independent candidate in the election, recording 94 percent of the overall vote.
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In 1984, Gore successfully ran for a seat in the U S Senate, which had been vacated by Republican Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker.
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Albert Gore was "unopposed in the Democratic Senatorial primary and won the general election going away", despite the fact that Republican President Ronald Reagan swept Tennessee in his reelection campaign the same year.
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Albert Gore defeated Republican senatorial nominee Victor Ashe, subsequently the mayor of Knoxville, and the Republican-turned-Independent, Ed McAteer, founder of the Christian right Religious Roundtable organization that had worked to elect Reagan as president in 1980.
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Albert Gore sat on the House Intelligence Committee and, in 1982, introduced the Gore Plan for arms control, to "reduce chances of a nuclear first strike by cutting multiple warheads and deploying single-warhead mobile launchers".
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In 1991, Albert Gore was one of ten Democrats who supported the Gulf War.
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Albert Gore was the first elected official to grasp the potential of computer communications to have a broader impact than just improving the conduct of science and scholarship.
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Albert Gore sponsored hearings on how advanced technologies might be put to use in areas like coordinating the response of government agencies to natural disasters and other crises.
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Albert Gore continued to speak on the topic throughout the 1980s.
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In 1990, Senator Albert Gore presided over a three-day conference with legislators from over 42 countries which sought to create a Global Marshall Plan, "under which industrial nations would help less developed countries grow economically while still protecting the environment".
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Albert Gore ran across the street to see his friend and was hit by a car.
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Albert Gore was thrown 30 feet and then traveled along the pavement for another 20 feet .
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Albert Gore's eyes were open with the nothingness stare of death, and we prayed, the two of us, there in the gutter, with only my voice.
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In 1988, Albert Gore sought the Democratic Party's nomination for President of the United States.
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Albert Gore currently denies any interest, but he carefully does not reject the idea out of hand.
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Albert Gore thought he would be the only serious Southern contender; he had not counted on Jesse Jackson.
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Albert Gore next placed great hope on Super Tuesday where they split the Southern vote: Jackson winning Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi and Virginia; Albert Gore winning Arkansas, North Carolina, Kentucky, Nevada, Tennessee, and Oklahoma.
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The New York Times said that Albert Gore lost support due to his attacks against Jackson, Dukakis, and others.
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Albert Gore's policies changed substantially in 2000, reflecting his eight years as vice president.
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Albert Gore debated the other vice presidential candidates, Dan Quayle, and James Stockdale.
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Al Albert Gore served as vice president during the Clinton administration.
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However, Albert Gore had to compete with First Lady Hillary for President Clinton's influence, starting when she was appointed to the health-care task force without Albert Gore's consultation.
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Albert Gore had a particular interest in reducing "waste, fraud, and abuse in the federal government and advocated trimming the size of the bureaucracy and the number of regulations".
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Clinton and Albert Gore entered office planning to finance research that would "flood the economy with innovative goods and services, lifting the general level of prosperity and strengthening American industry".
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Albert Gore spoke on how technology was changing the nature of government, public administration, and management in general, noting that while in the past deep hierarchical structures were necessary to manage large organizations, technology was offering more accurate and streamlined access to information, thus facilitating flatter management structures.
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Albert Gore was involved in a number of projects including NetDay '96 and 24 Hours in Cyberspace.
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The Clinton–Albert Gore administration launched the first official White House website in 1994 and subsequent versions through 2000.
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Albert Gore launched the GLOBE program on Earth Day '94, an education and science activity that, according to Forbes magazine, "made extensive use of the Internet to increase student awareness of their environment".
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In 1996, Albert Gore became involved in a "Chinagate" campaign finance controversy over his attendance at an event at the Buddhist Hsi Lai Temple in Hacienda Heights, California.
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In March 1997, Albert Gore had to explain phone calls which he made to solicit funds for Democratic Party for the 1996 election.
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In 1998, at a conference of APEC hosted by Malaysia, Albert Gore objected to the indictment, arrest and jailing of Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad's longtime second-in-command Anwar Ibrahim, a move which received a negative response from leaders there.
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Ten years later, Albert Gore again protested when Ibrahim was arrested a second time, a decision condemned by Malaysian foreign minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim.
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Former UCLA professor of information studies Philip E Agre and journalist Eric Boehlert argued that three articles in Wired News led to the creation of the widely spread urban legend that Gore claimed to have "invented the Internet", which followed this interview.
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Albert Gore's initiatives led directly to the commercialization of the Internet.
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Albert Gore is not the Father of the Internet, but in all fairness, Albert Gore is the person who, in the Congress, most systematically worked to make sure that we got to an Internet, and the truth is—and I worked with him starting in 1978 when I got [to Congress], we were both part of a "futures group"—the fact is, in the Clinton administration, the world we had talked about in the '80s began to actually happen.
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In making the speech, Albert Gore distanced himself from Bill Clinton, who he stated had lied to him.
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Albert Gore faced an early challenge by former New Jersey senator Bill Bradley.
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Bradley was the only candidate to oppose Albert Gore and was considered a "fresh face" for the White House.
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Albert Gore challenged Bradley to a series of debates which took the form of "town hall" meetings.
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Albert Gore went on the offensive during these debates leading to a drop in the polls for Bradley.
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Albert Gore then swept all of the primaries on Super Tuesday while Bradley finished a distant second in each state.
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Albert Gore accepted his party's nomination and spoke about the major themes of his campaign, stating in particular his plan to extend Medicare to pay for prescription drugs and to work for a sensible universal health-care system.
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Bill Clinton and Albert Gore had maintained an informal public distance for eight years, but they reunited for the media in August 2009.
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The next year, Albert Gore gave a speech which covered many topics, including what he called "religious zealots" who claim special knowledge of God's will in American politics.
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In 2006, Albert Gore criticized Bush's use of domestic wiretaps without a warrant.
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Albert Gore used his political influence to expedite landing rights in New Orleans.
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People were speculating that Albert Gore would be a candidate for the 2004 presidential election .
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Prospect of a Albert Gore candidacy arose again between 2006 and early 2008 in light of the upcoming 2008 presidential election.
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Albert Gore began to give a speech that appeared to be leading up to an announcement that he would run for president.
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Albert Gore's popularity was indicated in polls which showed that even without running, he was coming in second or third among possible Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Edwards.
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Albert Gore remained firm in his decision and declined to run for the presidency.
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Interest in having Albert Gore run for the 2016 presidential election arose in 2014 and again in 2015, although he did not declare any intention to do so.
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Albert Gore was criticized for this endorsement by eight Democratic contenders particularly since he did not endorse his former running mate Joe Lieberman .
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Albert Gore responded by stating that these events would not take place because a candidate would be nominated through the primary process.
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Albert Gore stated that he was not interested in being vice president again.
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Such support led to new speculation after Obama was elected president during the 2008 presidential election that Albert Gore would be named a member of the Obama administration.
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However, Democratic officials and Albert Gore's spokeswoman stated that during the meeting the only subject under discussion was the climate crisis, and Albert Gore would not be joining the Obama administration.
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Albert Gore has been involved with environmental issues since 1976 when as a freshman congressman, he held the "first congressional hearings on the climate change, and co-sponsor[ed] hearings on toxic waste and global warming".
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Albert Gore continued to speak on the topic throughout the 1980s, and is still prevalent in the environmental community.
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Albert Gore was known as one of the Atari Democrats, later called the "Democrats' Greens, politicians who see issues like clean air, clean water and global warming as the key to future victories for their party".
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In 1990, Senator Albert Gore presided over a three-day conference with legislators from over 42 countries which sought to create a Global Marshall Plan, "under which industrial nations would help less developed countries grow economically while still protecting the environment".
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In 2004, Albert Gore co-launched Generation Investment Management, a company for which he serves as chair.
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Albert Gore helped to organize the Live Earth benefit concerts.
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Albert Gore had earlier admitted that "it's absolutely correct that the growing meat intensity of diets across the world is one of the issues connected to this global crisis – not only because of the [carbon dioxide] involved, but because of the water consumed in the process" and some speculate that his adoption of the new diet is related to his environmentalist stance.
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In November 2021, Albert Gore spoke at the early stages of the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland.
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Albert Gore later criticised the Morrison Government for failing to increase Australia's 2030 emissions reduction target.
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Albert Gore ruled that the film could be shown to schoolchildren in the UK if guidance notes given to teachers were amended to balance out the film's one-sided political views.
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Albert Gore's spokesperson responded in 2007 that the court had upheld the film's fundamental thesis and its use as an educational tool.
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In 2009, Albert Gore described the British court ruling as being "in my favor".
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Critics of Albert Gore have jumped on a statement he made in a 1999 interview on CNN with Wolf Blitzer by misquoting him as claiming he was instrumental in "inventing the internet".
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Albert Gore has been characterized as having either misspoke, or failed to clarify his important part in the transition of the internet from a defense network to a public network.
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Albert Gore spent years promoting the internet and high-speed telecommunications as being important to the world as far back as the 1970s.
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In 1997, Albert Gore was having a late-night conversation with two reporters aboard Air Force Two when he casually mentioned that he had either read or was told that he and Tipper's early pre-marital relationship in Boston while Albert Gore was at Harvard was the basis for Oliver and Jenny Barrett, the protagonists of Erich Segal's novel Love Story and its film adaptation.
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One of the reporters present, New York Times reporter Rick Berke, stated that Albert Gore didn't offer it as a fact and that it was just second-hand info from a Nashville Tennessean article or reporter who had interviewed Segal.
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However, the other reporter present, Karen Tumulty included the quote in her own article and presented it as though Albert Gore claimed it as fact, which claim was picked up by numerous publications afterward as being another example of Albert Gore bragging about an incident that was either a lie or misleading.
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Albert Gore met Mary Elizabeth "Tipper" Aitcheson at his St Albans senior prom in 1965.
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In May 2012, it was reported that Albert Gore started dating Elizabeth Keadle of Rancho Santa Fe, California.
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Albert Gore was elected to the American Philosophical Society in 2008.
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Albert Gore starred in the 2006 documentary An Inconvenient Truth, which won an Academy Award for Best Documentary in 2007 and wrote the book An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It, which won a Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album in 2009.
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